ElGamal Encryption
To use the ElGamal encryption, the corresponding cryptographic module can be used. To set it up, the following steps should be taken:
1. Install the module: `npm i fb-crypto-sdk`
2. Import ElGamal encryption function from the initial code:
`import {processElGamalEncryption} from 'fb-crypto-sdk';`
3. Set the following parameters:
`const serverUrl = 'https://apollowallet.org'` is an actual APOLLO server to requests sending.
`const secretPhrase = HERE_IS_MY_SECRET` is user’s secret phrase.
4. Calculate the ElGamal encrypted passphrase:
`const passphrase = await processElGamalEncryption(serverUrl, secretPhrase)`
Once the package is installed, the related files are located at node_modules/fb-crypto-sdk. processElGamalEncryption
routine is located there, in index.js file.
###Request sending
To send a request to the Apollo server, it is necessary to insert a passphrase (passphrase value, see above) to the corresponding HTTP(S) POST request.
Alternatively, the fetch js-method can be used as follows:
fetch(serverUrl + '/apl?requestType=sendMoney&secretPhrase=' + passphrase + '&recipient=APL-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХ&amountATM =111111111&feeATM=100000000&deadline=1440')
The resented example creates and sends a POST request to a specified APOLLO server.
Reed-Solomon Encryption
To use the Reed-Solomon encryption, the corresponding cryptographic module can be used. To set it up, the following steps should be taken:
1. Install the module: `npm i fb-crypto-sdk`
2. Import Reed-Solomon encryption functions from the initial code:
`import {processAccountIDtoRS, processAccountRStoID} from 'fb-crypto-sdk';`
3. Usage:
`const accountRS = processAccountIDtoRS(accountID)` where `accountID` is user's account id. This function will return account RS value like APL-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX
`const accountID = processAccountRStoID(accountRS)` where `accountRS` is user's account like APL-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX. This function will return account id.