Compile templates for fastblog.
Compiler for fast-blog front-end architecture.
This compiler wants every your web page shall be separated, and can be displayed and tested accordingly. Which means every component shall have their own displaying web page, and can be tested separately.
Its target is not to reuse old code as maximum. There will be a little redundancy. And its target is not to create a frame, and put other components into it. Yet you can include other components, but not a extending model, like Blade for Laravel.
Usage: fbc [OPTION] file1 file2 ...
Fast blog frame compiler.
-a, --archive Generate archive file instead of compile it.
-h, --html Generate html files. Only under compile mode.
-e, --external=FILE External script file.
-o, --output=OUT Output file.
-s, --stdio Use standard input/output instead of file output.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode.
-d, --debug Enable debug information.
-p, --path=PATH Frame include path.
-j, --jade Enable jade support.
-w, --watch Watch for file changes. Only under file mode.
-n, --no-compress Disable compression for output. (Archive only)
--help Display this help
--version Show version
--vvv Very verbose model