your key to access on facebook
npm i fb-aoi-key
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
Error Handling:
Error documentation can be found on ErrorDocs
Usages: • commentPost a comment using your account
• createPageCreate a Facebook page using your account
• downloadDownload Facebook video including reels
• followAuto follow using your Facebook pages
• getKeyGet your EAAG, EAAAAU, EAAD6V7, and EAAAAAY
• getPageGet your EAAD6V7 page
• postCreate a public post using your account
• getAppstateGet your appstate by logging in with your email and password
• shareAuto share your Facebook post
• stalkGet the information of a Facebook user
• getTokenGet your EAAG token using appstate
• gptYour promotable AI
Before we proceed, make sure that you have an existing Facebook page in your account.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// Paste your EAAD6V7 token here
const access = await fb.getPage("");
// We're getting your Facebook pages
for (var page of access) {
const facebook = await fb.comment({
text: "", // Your comment
length: 1, // Number of comments
url: "", // Facebook post URL
If you don't have a Facebook token, then
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to get your Facebook token by logging into your account
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const token = await fb.getKey(email, password);
// We're going to use the EAAD6V7
const access = await fb.getPage(token.EAAD6V7);
// We're getting your Facebook pages
for (var page of access) {
const facebook = await fb.comment({
text: "", // Your comment
length: 1, // Number of comments
url: "", // Facebook post URL
This is just an experimental feature and still has many bugs in it.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// Use your appstate
const facebook = await createPage(appstate);
If you don't have an appstate, then we will get it by logging in.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to login to get your appstate
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const appstate = await getAppstate(email, password);
// We're going to use the appstate as login
const facebook = await createPage(appstate);
Get Facebook thumbnail, title, SD, and HD URL.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// Paste the Facebook video/reels URL
const facebook = await fb.download("");
Before we proceed, make sure that you have an existing Facebook page in your account.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// Paste your EAAD6V7 token here
const access = await fb.getPage("");
// We're getting your Facebook pages
for (var page of access) {
const facebook = await fb.follow({
uid: "", // Paste your Facebook UID here
If you don't have a Facebook token, then
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to get your Facebook token by logging into your account
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const token = await fb.getKey(email, password);
// We're going to use the EAAD6V7
const access = await fb.getPage(token.EAAD6V7);
// We're getting your Facebook pages
for (var page of access) {
const facebook = await fb.follow({
uid: "", // Paste your Facebook UID here
It will get all of your Facebook tokens.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to log in to your account
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const token = await fb.getKey(email, password);
Make sure you have an existing Facebook page in your account.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// Paste your EAAD6V7 token here
const facebook = await fb.getPage("");
If you don't have a Facebook token, then
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to get your Facebook token by logging into your account
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const token = await fb.getKey(email, password);
// We're going to get your page's information
const facebook = await fb.getPage(token.EAAD6V7);
Gain access to your account by posting a text.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// We will only use your token
const facebook = await post({
text: "", // Your post
token: "" // Paste your EAAD6V7 token
If you don't have a Facebook token, then
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to get your Facebook token by logging into your account
const email =
const password = "example";
const token = await fb.getKey(email, password);
// We will make a post now
const facebook = await post({
text: "", // Your post
token: token.EAAD6V7
It can be used for your Messenger bot.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// We're logging into your account
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const facebook = await getAppstate(email, password);
Spam share using your account.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
await fb.share({
length: 1, // How many shares you want
url: "", // Link of your post
token: "" // Paste your EAAD6V7 token
If you don't have a Facebook token, then
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to get your Facebook token by logging into your account
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const token = await fb.getKey(email, password);
await fb.share({
length: 1, // How many shares you want
url: "", // Link of your post
token: token.EAAD6V7
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
const uid = ""; // Paste some Facebook user ID
const token = ""; // Paste your EAAD6V7 token
const facebook = await fb.stalk(uid, token);
If you don't have a Facebook token, then
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// First, we need to get your Facebook token by logging into your account
const email = "615594487example";
const password = "example";
const token = await fb.getKey(email, password);
const uid = ""; // Paste some Facebook user ID
const facebook = await fb.stalk(uid, token.EAAD6V7);
Appstate method for Messenger bot.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// Assuming that you have this
const appstate = require("./appstate.json");
const facebook = await fb.getToken(appstate);
Unlimited and detailed result.
const fb = require("fb-aoi-key");
// Prompt something
const facebook = await fb.gpt("");
List of error types.
- Explanation: This error occurs when it fails to get a response from Facebook.
- Solution: Please contact the developer. Only the developer can fix this issue and update the package.
- Explanation: This error occurs when there's no available data for your account.
- Solution: Check your Facebook account; maybe it's locked. If there's two-factor authentication, please turn it off. If this doesn't work, please check your internet connection; this might solve your problem.
- Explanation: This error occurs when you have two-factor authentication enabled in your account.
- Solution: Just turn off two-factor authentication. If this doesn't work, please change your password and log in again.
- Explanation: This error occurs when you use an invalid access token instead of EAAD6V7.
- Solution: To fix this, paste your EAAD6V7 token.
- Explanation: This error occurs when you put the wrong reaction that is not supported.
- Solution: To fix this issue, only use one reaction from these types: (HAHA, SAD, WOW, LOVE, ANGRY).
- Explanation: This error occurs when your account doesn't have any pages.
- Solution: To fix this issue, you need to create a new page from your account, because this is a page method. Otherwise, update your token.
- Explanation: This error occurs because Facebook updates their URL as a unique random string.
- Solution: To fix this issue, get the URL on Facebook Lite or in free.facebook.com. The supported URL should be like this: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100050635086635&story_fbid=982011393496688, https://www.facebook.com/100050635086635/posts/982011393496688/?substory_index=7544103572345201&app=fbl
- Explanation: This error occurs when you use an invalid Facebook user ID.
- Solution: To fix it, you need to extract your actual UID. You can use a third-party app like Facebook bot to extract your UID.