Faux (made in imitation) Flux. A Flux Like Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces.
FauxFlux (This library is deprecated, and no longer being actively maintained)
Faux (made in imitation) Flux. A Flux Like Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces.
Getting Started
FauxFlux relies on the wonderful MobX JS library - https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx
npm install --save fauxflux mobx
FauxFlux also relies on Promises - supported in all major browsers besides IE
Quick Overview In Code
// Object containing all of the application state.
var store = {
selectedState: 'New York'
// Array of functions that can be dispatched to update the state in the store.
var actions = [
name: 'update_selectedState',
action: function (ff, payload) {
// ff.store; - reference to the store.
// ff.dispatch; - actions can dispatch other actions.
// ff.mobx; - reference to the MobX library.
// The ff.store is a MobX observable, so any property on it
// can be mutated in place, and any watchers attached to the property
// will be notified!
ff.store.selectedState = payload;
// Object of option flags
// useStrict - Allow or disallow changes to the state outside of a MobX action.
// debug - console.log out any action called within the application. Useful for tracking a series of state changes.
var options = {
useStrict: true, // true by default
debug: true, // false by default and will be ignored if built with production flag for `NODE_ENV`.
var FF = new FauxFlux(store, actions, options);
// Add a watcher onto the selectedState property of the store.
// Every time the property changes, this function will be called.
FF.mobx.autorun(function () {
console.log('selectedState', FF.store.selectedState);
// Simulate some sort of async requests.
setTimeout(function () {
FF.dispatch('update_selectedState', 'Idaho');
}, 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
FF.dispatch('update_selectedState', 'Utah');
}, 2000);
// Should result in
// console.log - 'New York'
// 1 second later
// console.log - 'Idaho'
// 1 more second later
// console.log - 'Utah'
Be warned! This codebase is still under active development so there are no guarantees the api is set in stone. Look for A v1.0.0 release in the near future.
Todo MVC implementation using FauxFlux and Incremental Dom ( Demo ). Much of the code was taken from Pete Hunt's Todo MVC React example and modified to use the FauxFlux architecture design. The code for the demo can be viewed here - example.js
- [ ] Add documentation describing the architecture.
- [ ] Add tooling for better debugging.