Javascript package to dump fauna data into a CSV
Library responsible for iterating over given collections and write a CSV file per collection on a given path.
Usage API:
faunaDump (key: string, outputPath: string, options?: {
collections?: Array<string>, // defaults to all collections
headers?: (collection: string) => Array<string>, // allows you to specify which headers to be sent to the csv file
startPointInTime?: Date, // sets the starting point of what documents to filter, use this with `faunaLambda` for better results
endPointInTime?: Date, // at what point in time are the results valid
pageSize?: Number, // how many documents to paginate for performance reasons (default: 1000)
headerTransformer?: (header: string) => string, // allows you to rename headers
dataTransformer?: (header, data) => data[header], // allows you to make changes to each row data
appendData?: (_, data) => data, // appends data to each row data
faunaLambda?: (faunaQueryBuilder, collection), => faunaQueryBuilder // allows you to modify the fauna query to your own needs
onCollectionProgress?: (progress) => {} // reports on the progress of each collection fetching process.
}): Promise<string>
faunaDump(faunaKey, outputPath, {
collections: ['Token', 'User'],
headers: (collection) => {
if (collection === 'User') {
return ['id', 'name', 'picture', 'email', 'issuer', 'github', 'public_address', 'inserted_at', 'updated_at']
return ['id']
dataTransformer: (header, allData, collection) => {
if (header === 'inserted_at') return allData.created?.value
return allData[header]