An api wrapper for fateslist written in nodejs!
An object oriented api wrapper for fateslist written in node.js!
npm i fateslist.js
Getting started
const Fateslist = require('fateslist.js');
const client = new Fateslist.Client(process.env.FATESLIST_TOKEN);
Remember to always save your token in
Typescript support
As this package has also typings so you can use it in typescript too!
import Client, { Bot } from 'fateslist.js';
const client: Client = new Client(process.env.FATESLIST_TOKEN);
async function main(){
const bot: Bot = await client.getBot('bot-id');
This package has also raw typings of Fateslist api such as
is a classes which is a modified from the raw data of fateslist api whose structure wasFateslist.APIBot
Error objects
Incase of any error, fateslist will send the Fateslist.APIError
interface APIError{
details?: ({
loc: string[];
msg: string;
type: string;
}[] | string);
detail?: string;
type APIResponse<T> = APIError | T;
Common Methods
Client.getBot(id: string, compact: boolean): Promise<APIResponse<Bot>>; // Returns a bot information registered in the fateslist database!
Client.getRandomBot(): Promise<CompactBot>; // Returns a random bot in compact form
Client.getVanity(id: string): Promise<APIResponse<APIVanity>>; // Returns the vanity url data
Client.getFeature(id: string): Promise<APIResponse<APIFeature>>; // Returns a feature data by id!
Client.getVoteData(botID: string, userID: string): Promise<APIResponse<VoteData>>; // Returns a vote data of a paticular user to a paticualr bot by id.
Client.getHomeData(): Promise<HomeData>; // Returns the homepage data of fateslist!
Client.getTag(id: string): Promise<Tag>; // Returns a fateslist tag details
Client.getUser(id: string): Promise<APIResponse<User>>; // Returns a fateslist user who has logged in!
Client.search(query: string): Promise<APIResponse<CompactBot[]>>; // Search bots
Client.setDescription(description: string): Promise<APIResponse<boolean>>; // Beta Stage! Sets description for the user!
Client.regenToken(id: string): Promise<APIResponse<boolean>>; // Regenrate your token
Maintenance mode
Set up maintenance mode for your bot easily through js!
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse = await client.setMaintenance('bot-id', {
mode: true, // True means on and False mean off
reason: 'Fixing bugs now!'
if(!res.done) console.log(res.reason);
// Alternative way using bot object!
mode: true, // True means on and False mean off
reason: 'Fixing bugs now!'
Creating, deleting, getting promotions of a bot
Get a promotion
const promotions: Fateslist.Promotion[] = await client.getPromotions('bot-id');
Create a promotion
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse = await client.createPromotion('bot-id', {
title: 'New announcement',
info: 'Now you can use out 8ball command!',
type: Fateslist.promotions.announcement
Edit a promotion
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse = await client.editPromotion('bot-id', 'promo-id', {
title: 'New promotion',
info: 'We are promoting our new bot ping pong bot!',
type: Fateslist.promotions.promotion
Delete a promotion
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse = await client.deletePromotion('bot-id')
Add, delete, edit and get commands of your discord bot to the fateslist!
Get commands
const commands: Fateslist.Command[] = await client.getCommands('bot-id');
Add commands
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse<{ id: string }> = await client.addCommand('bot-id', {
slash: Fateslist.slashTypes.normal, // If its not a slash command
name: 'Ping Pong',
description: 'Just my cutie ping pong command',
args: [],
examples: ['!pingpong'],
Edit commands
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse = await client.editCommand('bot-id', 'command-id', {
slash: Fateslist.slashTypes.normal, // If its not a slash command
name: 'Ping Pong',
description: 'Just my cutie ping pong command! Now only for premium users!',
args: [],
examples: ['!pingpong'],
premiumOnly: true
Delete commands
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse = await client.deleteCommand('bot-id', 'command-id');
Posting stats
Post stats through fateslist api
const res: Fateslist.APIDoneResponse = await client.postStats('bot-id', {
serverCount: 100,
shardCount: 1,
shards: [],
userCount: 20000
if(!res.done) console.log(res.reason);
// Alternative way
await bot.postStats({
serverCount: 100,
shardCount: 1,
shards: [],
userCount: 20000
Auto poster
Auto poster automatically posts your guild count easily on intervals which can be paused and stopped too! You need to provide your discord bot client in the first parameter!
const poster: Fateslist.AutoPoster = client.createAutoPoster(client, {
startOnInitiate: true,
interval: 900000
poster.on('autoPost', () => {
console.log('[EVENT] => Posted server count!');
poster.on('autoPostError', (e) => {
console.log('[EVENT] => Failed posting count!\n', e);
=> Will perform its first post after the class has been initated if true else will wait until itposter.start()
has been executed to start its first post! Default:true
=> Interval between each post, must be above than 13 mins! Default:600000
poster.stop(); // Will stop posting count
poster.start(); // Will start posting count
For discord.js
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const Fates = require('fateslist.js');
const bot = new Discord.Client();
const client = new Fates.Client('token');
const poster = client.createAutoPoster(bot, { startOnInitiate: false });
bot.on('ready', () => {
console.log('[EVENT] => Bot is ready!');
For eris
const Eris = require('eris');
const Fates = require('fateslist.js');
const bot = new Eris.Client('token');
const client = new Fates.Client('token');
const poster = client.createAutoPoster(bot, { startOnInitiate: false });
bot.on('ready', () => {
console.log('[EVENT] => Bot is ready!');
Webhook client
Webhook client is to parse data sent from fateslist and to use it as events using express.js
const Fates = require('fateslist.js');
const express = require('express.js');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = express();
const wh = new Fates.WebhookClient();
app.post('/webhook', wh.middleware);
wh.on('vote', v => {
console.log(`${v.voter.username} has voted our bot!`);
= (vote:Fateslist.VoteWebhook
) =>void
= (action:Fateslist.ModAction
) =>void
= (action:Fateslist.ModAction
) =>void
= (action:Fateslist.ModAction
) =>void
= (action:Fateslist.UserAction
) =>void
= (action:Fateslist.UserAction
) =>void
= (rev:Fateslist.NewReview
) =>void
= (rev:Fateslist.NewReview
) =>void
= (rev:Fateslist.NewReview
) =>void
= (rev:Fateslist.VoteReview
) =>void
= (rev:Fateslist.VoteReview
) =>void
Socket client
Connect to fateslist's socket to interact!
const socket: Fateslist.SocketClient = client.createSocketConnection();
socket.on('ready', () => {
console.log('Connected to the client!');
socket.on('data', (events: Fateslist.WSEvent[]) => {
events.forEach(x => {
if(x.name == 'view'){
console.log(`[EVENT] - Someone has view the bot in fateslist! TYPE: ${x.context.isWidget ? 'WIDGET' : 'USER'}`);
socket.on('error', console.log);
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
console.log('Disconnected to the client!');
It might seem like its difficult and yep, it is. Fateslist send array of events in websocket so we need to use this kind of method!
= () =>void
(Emits when its ready to send and receive data)error
= (e:Error
) =>void
(Emits when there is an error)data
= (data:Fateslist.WSEvent[]
) =>void
(Emits when data sent by the fateslist socket api)disconnect
= () =>void
(Emits when socket is disconnected)
Event data
interface WSEvent<T = any>{
name: string; // Event name
id: string; // ID of the event
context: T; // Event data
Event names will be the name and the context as the parameter as present in the WebhookClient
but we will be having one more event in socket that is view
with context as structure as
interface View{
readonly isWidget: boolean;
Make an issue if you want to suggest how can we update the socket client!