Query library for Typescript
Provides a lazy evaluated type that provides a set of methods for query over the values of a collection. It provides methods for transform, filter, update, combine an iterable or compute a result with the elements of the iterable.
Getting started
Install fastlinq
using npm:
npm install fastlinq
import './src/Query';
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
// Calls Array.asQuery() to get a ```Queryable<T>``` over the elements of the array
const items = numbers.asQuery()
.filter(e => e <= 5) // Filters the elements
.map(e => e * 2) // Transforms the elements
.toArray(); // Gets an array containing the result
console.log(items); // [2,4,6,8,10]
Also you can use the Query
namespace which offers functions for create queries.
import './src/Query';
for(const e of Query.rangeInclusive(0, 10)){
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Here an overview of the fastquery API
interface Queryable<T> extends Iterable<T>{
/// Transform the values of the query.
map<TResult>(transform: (value: T) => TResult) : Queryable<TResult>;
/// Gets a query with all the values returned in the callback.
flatMap<TResult>(transform: (value: T) => TResult[]) : Queryable<TResult>;
/// Gets all the values that match the specified condition.
filter(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets all the values that don't match the specified condition.
filterNot(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : Queryable<T>;
/// Drop the first `n` values of the query.
skip(n: number) : Queryable<T>;
/// Takes the first `n` values o fthe query.
take(n: number) : Queryable<T>;
/// Drop values while the specified condition is meet.
skipWhile(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : Queryable<T>;
/// Take values while the specified condition is meet.
takeWhile(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : Queryable<T>;
/// Takes values from the end of the query.
takeLast(count: number) : Queryable<T>;
/// Drop values from the end of the query.
skipLast(count: number) : Queryable<T>;
/// Returns a new query with the specified value at the end.
append(value: T) : Queryable<T>;
/// Returns a new query with the specified value at the start.
prepend(value: T) : Queryable<T>;
/// Returns a new query with the specified values the end.
concat(elements: Iterable<T>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Returns a new query where all the values had an index.
indexed() : Queryable<IndexedValue<T>>;
/// Returns a new query where all the values have a key provided by the `keySelector`.
keyed<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey) : Queryable<KeyValue<TKey, T>>;
/// Gets all the distinct values of this query.
distinct() : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets all values that have a different values than the provided by the `keySelector`.
distinctBy<TResult>(keySelector: (value: T) => TResult) : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets the elements of this query plus provided when that don't exists within.
/// Check:
union(elements: Iterable<T>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets all the elements of this query that don't exist in the provided iterable.
/// Check:
except(elements: Iterable<T>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets the elements of this query that also exists in the provided.
/// Check:
intersect(elements: Iterable<T>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Reverses the order of the elements in this query.
reversed() : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets a view of the values of this query, where each iteration
/// returns the number of elements specified by `chunkSize`.
chuncked(chunkSize: number) : Queryable<T[]>;
/// Gets a view of the values of this query, where each iteration
/// return the next number of elements specified by `size`
/// Ignoring the first one returned.
windowed(size: number) : Queryable<T[]>;
/// Sorts the elements of this query with an optional `compare`.
sort() : Queryable<T>;
sort(compare: Compare<T>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Sorts by decending the elements of this query with an optional `compare`.
sortDecending() : Queryable<T>;
sortDecending(compare: Compare<T>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Sorts the elements of this query using the provided value
/// and an optional `compare`
sortBy<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey) : Queryable<T>;
sortBy<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey, compare: Compare<TKey>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Sorts by decending the elements of this query using the provided value
/// and an optional `compare`
sortByDecending<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey) : Queryable<T>;
sortByDecending<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey, compare: Compare<TKey>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets a pair of all the elements of this query and the specified one
/// that match the specified predicate.
joinBy<TOther>(elements: Iterable<TOther>, selector: (current: T, other: TOther) => boolean) : Queryable<[T,TOther]>;
/// Merge the each elements of this query with the provided.
zip<TOther, TResult>(elements: Iterable<TOther>, combine: (current: T, other: TOther) => TResult) : Queryable<TResult>;
/// Gets this query or the `defaultValue` if is empty.
defaultIfEmpty(defaultValue: Iterable<T>) : Queryable<T>;
/// Gets each `n` elements of this query.
stepBy(n: number) : Queryable<T>;
/// Repeat the elements of this query `n` times.
repeat(n: number) : Queryable<T>;
/// Perform an action over each value of this query and returns this.
seek(action: (value: T) => void) : this;
/// Perform an action over each value of this query.
forEach(action: (value: T) => void) : void;
/// Combine the values of this query and gets the result.
reduce(reducer: (prev: T, current: T) => T) : T | undefined;
reduce(reducer: (prev: T, current: T) => T, seed: T) : T;
/// Provides an initial value and combine the values of this query and get the result.
fold<TResult>(initialValue: TResult, combine: (prev: TResult, current: T) => TResult) : TResult;
/// Sums the values provided by the specified selector and get the result.
sum(selector: (value: T) => number) : number | undefined;
/// Multiply the values provided by the specified selector and get the result.
product(selector: (value: T) => number) : number | undefined;
/// Gets the average of the values provided by the specified selector.
average(selector: (value: T) => number) : number | undefined;
/// Gets a pair with values that meet the condition and don't.
partition(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : [T[], T[]];
/// Gets the minimun value of this query.
min() : T | undefined;
min(compare: Compare<T>) : T | undefined;
/// Gets the maximun value of this query.
max() : T | undefined;
max(compare: Compare<T>) : T | undefined;
/// Gets the minimun and maximun values of this query.
minmax() : [T, T] | undefined;
minmax(compare: Compare<T>) : [T, T] | undefined;
/// Checks if this query contains the specified value.
contains(value: T) : boolean;
contains(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : boolean;
/// Checks if this query contains all the specified values.
containsAll(values: Iterable<T>) : boolean;
/// Checks if this query have elements in the same other than the other.
sequenceEquals(values: Iterable<T>) : boolean;
/// Gets the element at the specified index.
elementAt(index: number) : T | undefined;
/// Gets the element at the specified index or the default value.
elementAtOrElse(index: number, defaultValue: T) : T;
/// Gets the position of the specified value if found.
indexOf(value: T) : number | undefined;
/// Gets the position of the specified value if found starting from the last.
lastIndexOf(value: T) : number | undefined;
/// Gets the first value of this query if any.
first() : T | undefined;
/// Gets the last value of this query if any.
last() : T | undefined;
/// Gets the first value of this query or the default if not found.
firstOrElse(defaultValue: T) : T;
/// Gets the last value of this query or the default if not found.
lastOrElse(defaultValue: T) : T;
/// Gets the first value that meet the condition.
find(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : T | undefined;
/// Gets the last value that meet the condition.
findLast(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : T | undefined;
/// Gets the position of the value that meet the condition.
findIndex(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : number | undefined;
/// Gets the position of the last value that meet the condition.
findLastIndex(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : number | undefined;
/// Gets the position of the values that meet the condition.
findIndices(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : number[]
/// Gets the only value of the query, fail if there is more than 1 element.
single() : T | undefined;
/// Gets the only value of the query that meet the condition,
/// fail if more than one meet the condition.
single(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : T | undefined;
/// Gets the only value of the query, or the default if there is more than 1 element.
singleOrElse(defaultValue: T) : T;
/// Gets the only value of the query that meet the condition,
/// or the default if there is more than 1 element.
singleOrElse(defaultValue: T, predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : T;
/// Check if all the elements in the query meet the condition.
every(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : boolean;
/// Check if there is elements in the query.
any() : boolean;
/// Check if any value meet the condition.
any(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : boolean;
/// Test if this query is sorted.
isSorted() : boolean;
/// Test if this query is sorted by decending.
isSortedDecending() : boolean;
/// Test if this query is sorted by the specified key.
isSortedBy<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey) : boolean;
/// Test if this query is sorted by decending by the specified key.
isSortedByDecending<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey) : boolean;
/// Check if this query have no elements.
isEmpty() : boolean;
/// Gets the number of elements in this query.
count() : number;
/// Gets the number of elements that match the condition.
count(predicate: (value: T) => boolean) : number;
/// Groups the elements of this query by the given key.
groupBy<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey) : Map<TKey, T[]>;
/// Gets an array with the elements of this query.
toArray() : T[];
/// Gets a set with the elements of this query.
toSet() : Set<T>;
/// Gets a map with the elements of this query using the key provided by the given selector.
toMap<TKey>(keySelector: (value: T) => TKey) : Map<TKey, T>;
/// Gets an string representation of the elements of this query.
toString() : string;
toString(separator: string) : string;
toString(options: ToStringOptions) : string;