A client for the Financial Times FastFT content and search APIs
A fastft posts client for the browser or node.js
This module depends on es6 Promises being available as a global. At present this needs polyfilling in most environments. Note that popular promise libraries e.g. Q, Reqwest, don't necessarily conform to the es6 standard
npm install -S es6-promise
Then at the start of your application code
GLOBAL.Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;
Include the es6-promise-polyfill or similar in the head of your page
config (str, mixed)
Sets config values:
- the host name for requests to clamo (may containhttp://
etc if your environment requires it)limit
- the default maximum number of posts to fetch in a search. Defaults to 10, but can be specified on a per-request basisoutputfields
- the fields to return from any clamo request (see src/outputfields.json for the default)timeout
- timeout threshold for requests. Defaults to no limitmethod
- request method to use, 'GET' or 'POST', defaulting to 'GET'
getPost (id)
Retrieves a single post from clamo. Returns a promise for an object with two properties
: The XHR response object receivedpost
: An instance of aPost
model (see below for details)
search (query, params)
Retrieves posts matching the given query, ordered by most recent first. Accepts two parameters
: A string conforming to clamo's query syntax e.g.location: London
. Defaults to ''params
: An object containing two properties -limit
- which enable pagination of results.limit
defaults to 10 andoffset
to 0
Returns a promise for an object with two properties
: The XHR response object receivedposts
: An array of instances of thePost
model (see below for details)
Post model
Exposed as a property on the object exported by this module. This contains utilties for accessing properties of a given post. Exact structure to be determined
Clamo search syntax
As well as searching for raw strings clamo will use the foloowing to query a post's metadata
- 'author: name' Restrict by author name
- 'from:date' No earlier than date (dd/mm/YYYY)
- 'to:date' No later than date (dd/mm/YYYY)
- 'status: status' Either 'live' or 'draft'
- 'taxonomy: tag' Tagged with a tag from a given taxonomy
, OR
, (
and )
to construct complex search terms
e.g. bananas AND from: "01/12/2013" AND NOT location: "Americas"
To run tests locally run
npm install; bower install; make test
To debug tests in the browser run
./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --browsers Chrome --singleRun false
(Note you will have to run make testRebuild
too every time you change a file. If you have karma-cli
installed globally you can use karma
instead of ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma
To update test data from the clamo api run make refreshtestdata