A fast & simple O(1) URL router for node.js that can be used for almost anything.
node.js fast-router
A fast & simple O(log n) URL router for node.js that can be used for almost anything.
Runtime: O(log n), where n is the total number of routes. The runtime is O(n) if you consider n the length of your longest route.
//Require the module...
var Router = require("fast-router").Router;
//Create a new router
var router = new Router();
That's all. Now you can begin to add routes:
router.addRoute("/", rootNode);
router.addRoute("/users/:user/:thing", someValue);
//Keys are used and indicated by ':' . They will capture that part in the URL.
router.addRoute("/static/*", someOtherValue);
//A wildcard is indicated by a '*' and will capture the rest of the URL
router.addRoute("/static/robots.txt", specialMagic);
//Exact matches always take precendence over wildcards and paths with keys
To match some URL against the route tree:
var result = router.parse("/users/tim/lamp");
var result = router.parse("/static/main/js/local/script.js");
var result = router.parse("/");
A result is a javascript object with the following properties:
url: <url>,
//contains the URL as parsed with node.js's built-in url.parse(_url, true)
value: <value>,
//The value that was supplied when the route was inserted. You could use
//a function for it to emulate the behavior of some other routers.
parts: [...],
//The parts of the URL as the result of url.pathname.split('/')
keys: {key: value, ...},
//The keys used in the URL with their respective values,
//for the first example this would be {user: "tim", thing: "lamp"}
extra: "<etc>/<etc>/<etc>..."
//The text matched by the wildcard if the route contained one