Mocking library for NodeJS
is an HTTP mocking library for nodeJS.
is mainly used to craft e2e/human tests of HTTP services.
How does it work?
is made for developers and avoid the use of tons of json files to setup mocks, it offers a comprehensive DSL and a low level api based on expressjs so developers can precisely tweak their mock services to their needs where DSL do not cover use cases.
Mocking with farso
invite you to travel in different vibes!
First of all, you have to define endpoints
(destinations) you want to mock.
Then define all the vibes
(scenarios) of your farso.
A vibe
is made of mocks (mocked endpoints). Definition of mocks are inspired by nock
library is bundled with an http server api (also bin script) to run your vibes.
Then manually or from your testing framework you can select the desired vibe and request endpoints, farso
will try to select an eligible mock and execute it. Because many mocks
can be associated to an endpoint
, farso
will in the order of definition run the first that matches (see check methods below). If no eligible mock
matches in current vibe farso
will search in the default vibe to look for one.
Run tests on it, change the vibe and ...
$ npm install farso
farso at first glance
Let's say your system is using a CRM backoffice with an HTTP API offering an endpoint GET /public/v0/people
You have to mock this endpoint.
First install farso
, then add config files below:
// ./endpoints.js
const { endpoint } = require('farso');
endpoint('people', { uri: '/public/v0/people', method: 'get' });
// vibes.js
const { vibe } = require('farso');
const faker = require('faker');
const people = [
{id: 1, name: faker.name.lastName()},
{id: 2, name: faker.name.lastName()},
vibe.default('Main', mock => {
.checkHeader({ 'x-corporis': /^\d+-\w+$/ })
.reply([200, people]);
// farso.config.js
module.exports = {
host: 'localhost',
// port: 8181,
vibes: path.join(__dirname, './vibes.js'),
endpoints: path.join(__dirname, './endpoints.js'),
Then run:
$ DEBUG=farso* npx farso-server --config ./farso.config.js
farso Creating Vibe 'Main'
farso Endpoint 'people:/public/v0/people' created
farso Vibe 'Main' is now active
farso server started on 'http://localhost:33811'
And now:
$ curl http://localhost:33811/public/v0/people
Here it is, you made your first farso mock.
With DSL api we will use the embendded server and will setup farso library with setup files like above sample.
file must export and object with those properties:
: default to localhostport
: optional, server's binding port, when no set server will bind dynamically to an available portbodySizeLimit
: see limit propertyerrorCode
: optional, http status code to return when anendpoint
matches without amock
: glob partern to select vibe's files to load (see below) ex :path.join(__dirname, './data/**/*.vibes.js')
or justpath.join(__dirname, './vibes.js')
: glob partern to select endpoint's files to load (see below)globals
: optional, data injected to vibes (see below) to share states between http calls and vibes.
const path = require('path');
const faker = require('faker');
module.exports = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8181,
vibes: path.join(__dirname, './mock/**/*.vibe.js'),
endpoints: path.join(__dirname, './mock/endpoints.js'),
globals: {
api: {
clientId: faker.random.uuid(),
clientSecret: faker.random.uuid(),
farso's server must be launched with: $ DEBUG=farso* npx farso-server --config ./farso.config.js
Server can be also setup and launched thanks { initTrip, initServer, runServer } functions exported from 'farso-mock/server' (see Low Level API section below)
files are used to define ..., endpoints, aka expressjs
const { endpoint } = require('farso-mock');
endpoint('people:list', { uri: '/public/v0/people', method: 'get' });
endpoint('people:get', { uri: '/public/v0/people/:id', method: 'get' });
endpoint('people:create', { uri: '/public/v0/people', method: 'post' });
endpoint('people:update', { uri: '/public/v0/people/:id', method: 'patch' });
ex: First call to endpoint
will register an expressjs route on GET '/public/v0/people'
function endpoint(name, params)
: String to identify an endpointparams
: endpoint's pathmethod
: optional, endpoint's http method nameuse
: optional, expressjs middleware(s) associated with endpoint, could be useful to serve static files or code specific behaviour likeendpoint('configs', { uri: '/configs', use: express.static(path.join(__dirname, './')) });
are useless without vibe
, an endpoint will be associated with many vibes made of mocks:
const personSchema = {
firstname: /\w+/,
lastname: /\w+/
vibe('Main', (mock, {globals: { api: { clientId, clientSecret } } }) => {
mock('people:list').reply([200, people]);
mock('people:get').checkParams({ id: /\d+/ }).reply([200, person]);
mock('people:create').checkBoby(personSchema).reply([200, person]);
mock('people:update').checkParams({ id: /\d+/ }).checkBoby(personSchema).reply([200, person]);
function vibe(name, fn, options) or vibe.default(name, fn)
: String must match an existingendpoint
: { isDefault }, set vibe as defaultfn
: function(mock, { globals, lget, lvalue })mock
: function to define new mocks (see below)globals
: config'sglobals
: function(String|Array): Object (see below)lvalue
: function(String|Array): Object (see below)
returns the current farso
A default vibe
will become the current one to search mocks, to switch to another one use farso#select(name)
When a non default vibe
is selected, eligible mocks are first searched in former vibe
then in the default one.
farso's server offers a minimalist http api to list existing vibes:
$ curl http://[host:port]/_vibes_
currentVibe: "Main",
vibes: [
"Main", "Wrong_auth"
and select one:
$ curl http://[host:port]/_vibes_/Wrong_auth
currentVibe: "Wrong_auth"
A mock
defines the behaviour of an endpoint
vibe('V1', mock => mock('people:list').reply(200));
Requesting endpoint 'people:list' will return HTTP status code 200.
We can define many mocks per endpoint
vibe('V1', mock => {
mock('people:get').reply([200, person]);
or like this:
vibe('V1', mock => mock('people:list').reply(200));
vibe('V1', mock => mock('people:get').reply([200, person]));
We can define many mocks for the same endpoint
vibe('V1', mock => mock('people:get').checkParams({ id: '12'}).reply([200, person]));
vibe('V1', mock => mock('people:get').checkParams({ id: '13'}).reply(404));
Order of definition matters.
We can define many mocks for the same endpoint
in many vibes, in case you overwrite a mock already defined in the default endpoint, former wil be used. With a default vibe
, an eligible mock is first look into current vibe, then if not found, in the default one.
Check url params
Ex: param id
endpoint('people:get', { uri: '/public/v0/people/:a/:b', method: 'get' });
vibe('V1', mock => {
.checkParams({ a: '12', b: '13'})
.checkParams({ a: /\d+/ b: :\w+X$/})
.checkParams(({ a }) => Number(a) < 5)
endpoint's uri
property use expressjs route's syntax definition.
function checkParams(options)
: Object | Function- Object: if key/value do not match req.params
will not be eligible, values can be a String or a RegExp - Function:
function(params): Boolean
, if returns falsemock
will not be eligible.
- Object: if key/value do not match req.params
returns the current mock
Check that requested headers match request.
function checkHeaders(options)
: Object | Function- Object: if key/value do not match sent headers
will not be eligible, values can be a String or a RegExp, keys are converted to lower case. - Function:
function(headers): Boolean
, if it returns falsemock
will not be eligible.
- Object: if key/value do not match sent headers
Check that requested query match request.
function checkQuery(options)
: Object | Function- Object: if key/value do not match req.body
will not be eligible, values can be a String or a RegExp. - Function:
function(query): Boolean
, if it returns falsemock
will not be eligible.
- Object: if key/value do not match req.body
Check that requested body match request.
function checkBody(options)
: Object | Function- Object: if key/value do not deeply match req.query
will not be eligible, values can be a String or a RegExp. Object can be a nested object, is this case comparaison will be made usingfarso.deepMatch
. - Function:
function(body): Boolean
, if it returns falsemock
will not be eligible.
- Object: if key/value do not deeply match req.query
Function executed when a mock is eligible.
function reply(options)
- options: Number | Function | Array
- Number: status code to return:
- Array: [status, data]:
- Function:
function(req, res)
- Number: status code to return:
returns current mock
allow to manage a local context between requests for the current vibe.
We can share global data thanks to globals
prop in config and use it in vibes definition:
// farso.config.js
const path = require('path');
const faker = require('faker');
module.exports = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8181,
vibes: path.join(__dirname, './examples/**/*.vibe.js'),
endpoints: path.join(__dirname, './examples/endpoints.js'),
globals: {
api: {
clientId: faker.random.uuid(),
clientSecret: faker.random.uuid(),
// main.vibe.js
vibe('Main', (mock, globals) => {
mock('people:list').reply((req, res) => {
globals.propA = valueA;
But to avoid dirty side effect here comes lset/lget/lvalue
vibe.default('Main', (mock, { lget, globals: { token }}) => {
.lset(({ body }) => [['data', 'firstname'], body.firstname])
.lset(({ body }) => [['data', 'lastname'], body.lastname])
.reply([201, token]);
const req_create_claim = {
firstname: lget['data', 'firstname']),
lastname: lget(['data', 'lastname']),
.lset(({ body }) => [['data', 'claim'], body])
function lget(fn)
- fn:
function(Object): Object
, returns a getter on current vibe'slocals
use case:lget(['data', 'lastname'))
returns a getter onfarso.currentVibe.locals.data.lastname
getter will be evaluated by checker (check* methods)
function lset(fn)
- fn:
function(req): returns [path, value]
Use case :mock('token').lset(({ body }) => [['data', 'firstname'], body.firstname])
will execfarso.currentVibe.locals.data.firstname = body.firstname
function lvalue(fn)
- fn:
function(Object): Object
, returns value from current vibe'slocals
use case:lvalue(['data', 'lastname'))
returnslget(['data', 'lastname')).value
Since version 1.2.0 farso
allow to mock GraphQL queries/mutations
First define an endpoint:
// cat ./schema.graphql
type Query {
echo(message: String): String
import { GraphQL } rom 'farso/graphql');
const schema = join(__dirname, './schema.graphql');
endpoint('graphql', { uri: '/graphql', use: GraphQL({ schemaPath: schema }) });
GraphQL endpoints use a special middleware GraphQL
, with the path of our graphql's schema.
Then mock in vibes:
vibe.default('main', mock => {
const mocks = {
Query: () => ({
echo: (_, { message }) => message,
Mocking is made at resolver level and use addMocksToSchema
Unlike HTTP mocks, we cannot define many mocks for a single endpoint in one vibe, onlu first call of resolve
will be used.
You can get a full example in __tests__/graphql.test.js
Low level API
server can be launched thanks to farso-server
script, like:
$ DEBUG=farso* npx farso-server --config ./farso.config.js
But also with API entries, it could be useful if we want to start a mock server within test and not before:
const { runServer } = require('farso/server');
let farsoServer;
const config = {
vibes: path.join(__dirname, '../../examples/api.vibe.js'),
endpoints: path.join(__dirname, '../../examples/endpoints.js'),
beforeAll(() => runServer(config).then(({ server }) => (farsoServer = server)));
afterAll(() => farsoServer.close());
We can dynamically register endpoints
and create vibes
, see unit tests for different samples.
const { initServer } = require('farso/server');
const Farso = require('farso');
let ctx;
let farso;
const initFarso = () => {
farso = Farso({ errorCode });
farso.createEndpoint('test', { uri: '/test', method: 'post' });
return Promise.resolve({ farso });
beforeAll(() =>
.then(c => (ctx = c)));
afterAll(() => ctx.server.close());
describe('...', () => {
it('should ...', () => {
.createVibe('v1', mock => mock('test').reply(200))
return axios({ method: 'post', url: `${ctx.server.url}/test` });
That's all folks...