Farmbot Javascript client.
FarmbotJS: Farmbot RPC wrapper
Browser Support
Works on all modern browsers that were released in the last 12 months.
NodeJS Support
Independent developers have reported success when using FarmBotJS in a Node environment, but we do not test against Node based setups, nor do we (FarmBot, Inc) use FarmBotJS in a production Node environment. Issue reports related to NodeJS are highly appreciated.
Installation (NPM)
npm install farmbot
Installation (Vanilla JS)
<script src=""></script>
var farmbot123 = new fbjs.Farmbot({ token: "" });
Running the Test Suite (Advanced)
npm run test
Other Package Managers
Please raise an issue if you require support with other package managers.
Login with an API Token
Login using your API token from the Farmbot Web App.
Click here for instructions on how to generate an API token.
import { Farmbot } from "farmbot";
var SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0MTIzQHRlc3QuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNDU5MTA5NzI4LCJqdGkiOiI5MjJhNWEwZC0wYjNhLTQ3NjctOTMxOC0xZTQxYWU2MDAzNTIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjMwMDAvIiwiZXhwIjoxNDU5NDU1MzI4LCJtcXR0IjoibG9jYWxob3N0IiwiYm90IjoiYWE3YmIzN2YtNWJhMy00NjU0LWIyZTQtNThlZDU3NDY1MDhjIn0.KpkNGR9YH68AF3iHP48GormqXzspBJrDGm23aMFGyL_eRIN8iKzy4gw733SaJgFjmebJOqZkz3cly9P5ZpCKwlaxAyn9RvfjQgFcUK0mywWAAvKp5lHfOFLhBBGICTW1r4HcZBgY1zTzVBw4BqS4zM7Y0BAAsflYRdl4dDRG_236p9ETCj0MSYxFagfLLLq0W63943jSJtNwv_nzfqi3TTi0xASB14k5vYMzUDXrC-Z2iBdgmwAYUZUVTi2HsfzkIkRcTZGE7l-rF6lvYKIiKpYx23x_d7xGjnQb8hqbDmLDRXZJnSBY3zGY7oEURxncGBMUp4F_Yaf3ftg4Ry7CiA";
let bot = new Farmbot({ token: SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN });
.then(function () {
return bot.moveRelative({ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3, speed: 100 });
Sending Commands to a Farmbot Object
console.log("Bot online!");
return bot.emergencyStop(); // You can chain commands.
console.log("Bot has stopped!");
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Something went wrong :(");
Basic RPC Commands
Call RPC commands using the corresponding method on bot
. All RPC commands return a promise.
.home({ axis: "x", speed: 800 })
.then(function (ack) {
console.log("X Axis is now at 0.");
.catch(function (err) {
console.log("Failed to bring X axis home.");
Currently supported commands:
See the annotated type definitions for available methods and properties.
Using Events
var bot = Farmbot({ token: '---'});
bot.on("eventName", function(data, eventName) {
console.log("I just got an" + eventName + " event!");
console.log("This is the payload: " + data);
// "I just got an eventName event!"
// "This is the payload: any javascript object or primitive"
bot.emit("eventName", "any javascript object or primitive");
var eventHandlers = bot.event("eventName");
// [function(){...}]
Routine Events
: Most important. When the REMOTE device state changes (eg: "x" goes from 0 to 100), the bot will emit this event."logs"
: The bot will send logs to this channel."offline"
: Connection lost. Note: FarmbotJS will try to auto-reconnect."online"
: Client is connected and subscribed to bot."sent"
: Triggered when the application begins sending a message."sync"
: A resource on the API has changed.
Special Events
<random uuid>
: RPC commands have UUIDs when they leave the browser. When the bot responds to that message, FarmbotJS will emit an event named after the request's UUID. Mostly for internal use."malformed"
: When the bot gets a bad RPC command, it will notify you via this channel.*
: Catch all events (for debugging).
Q: Where do I report security issues?
We take security seriously and value the input of independent researchers. Please see our responsible disclosure guidelines.