--- This is a quick library to add performatic animations aimed at conditional rendering. It exports a vanilla JS handler and a vue.js component.
This is a quick library to add performatic animations aimed at conditional rendering. It exports a vanilla JS handler and a vue.js component.
The animations are rendered in plain JS with requestAnimationFrame
The vue component is a small wrapper that uses the standard vue <Transition /> component and hooks the enter and leave animations with vue's conditional rendering, it accepts every option parameter as a component prop.
live demo:
Using with vanilla JS (or TS):
import {fancyInOut} from 'FancyInOut'
const {triggerEnter, triggerLeave} = fancyInOut({...options})
const el:HTMLelement; //html element to animate
const callback:Function; // optional callback function to call at the end of an animation
triggerEnter(el, callback?) //triggers the enter animation
triggerLeave(el, callback?) //triggers the leave animation
Usage with Vue.
<elementToAnimate v-if="condition" />
import {FancyInOutVue} from 'FancyInOut'
// no need to import anything else
Integration with other frameworks such as react or svelte can be done right now using the JS api.
Native wrappers for those are coming in the next update.
Options object params
| Option | Description | Default Value | Type | Values | ------- | ----------- | ------------- | ---- | ------ | x | The x-coordinate of the initial enter position | '150px'| String | any valid css unit declaration except for %: "10vh", "5ch", "200px" | y | The y-coordinate of the initial enter position | '150px' | String | same as X | angle | The angle of rotation in degrees | 90 | Number | the angle for the curve, the smallest the angle is, the smallest the delta of the curve is | duration | The duration of the animation in milliseconds | 400 | Number | duration for the animation | initialScale| The initial scale of the element | 0.3 | Number | set to 1 to skip scale animation entirely | initialOpacity| The initial opacity of the element | 0.1 | Number | set to 1 to skip opacity animation entirely | cubicBezier | The cubic bezier curve for easing | 'easeInOut'| String or Number[] | css cubic-bezier for the animation, possible values are "linear", "easeIn", "easeOut", "easeInOut", "materialEasing", or any valid css cubic-bezier declaration. [0.2, 1, 0.45, 0.9].
local development
To run locally, just clone this repo and run
npm i && npm run dev