Fakebank services using Apollo GraphQL Server and Federation, Express, REST, Faker - TypeScript
Fakebank services using Apollo GraphQL Server and Federation, Express, REST, Faker - TypeScript
- GraphQL
- "GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data."
- GraphQL-JS
- "A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript"
- Apollo Server
- "Apollo Server is an open-source, spec-compliant GraphQL server that's compatible with any GraphQL client"
- Apollo Federation
- "... expose a single data graph that provides a unified interface for querying all of your backing data sources"
- Apollo REST Data Source
- "This package exports a (RESTDataSource) class which is used for fetching data from a REST API and exposing it via GraphQL within Apollo Server."
- Apollo Gateway (sits above other GraphQL services)
- GraphQL DataLoader
- "DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching."
- improve performance of GraphQL service
- Express
- "Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node"
- Create an HTTP service quickly
- Faker
- "generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser"
- helps create random/mock data
List of core REST services
- rest-auth (http://localhost:10111)
- manages login actions, user records
- rest-accounts (http://localhost:10222)
- manages bank accounts and transactions
- rest-payments (http://localhost:10333)
- manages money transfers
List of GraphQL services using Core REST services
- gql-fed-auth (http://localhost:20111)
- uses rest-auth
- gql-fed-accounts (http://localhost:20222)
- uses rest-accounts
- gql-fed-payments (http://localhost:20333)
- uses rest-payments
Standard GraphQL service using Core REST services
- gql-standard (http://localhost:30111)
- uses rest-auth
- uses rest-accounts
- uses rest-payments
GraphQL Gateway service
- gql-gateway (http://localhost:40111)
- uses gql-fed-auth
- uses gql-fed-accounts
- uses gql-fed-payments
Sample sequence diagrams
A. GraphQL Standard
title Fake Bank APIs with GraphQL Standard
app->api-gateway: request
api-gateway->gql-standard: request
gql-standard --> rest-X: request a
rest-X -> db-X: select data a
rest-X <- db-X: records a
gql-standard <- rest-X: response a
gql-standard --> rest-Y: request b
rest-Y -> db-Y: select data b
rest-Y <- db-Y: records b
gql-standard <- rest-Y: response b
api-gateway <- gql-standard: response
app <- api-gateway: response
B. GraphQL Gateway
title Fake Bank APIs with GrapQL Gateway
app->api-gateway: request
api-gateway->gql-gateway: request
gql-gateway --> gql-fed-X: request a
gql-fed-X -> rest-X: request a
rest-X -> db-X: select data a
rest-X <- db-X: records a
gql-fed-X <- rest-X: response a
gql-gateway <- gql-fed-X: response a
gql-gateway --> gql-fed-Y: request b
gql-fed-Y -> rest-Y: request b
rest-Y -> db-Y: select data b
rest-Y <- db-Y: records b
gql-fed-Y <- rest-Y: response b
gql-gateway <- gql-fed-Y: response b
api-gateway <- gql-gateway: response
app <- api-gateway: response
npm i
Start - dev mode
in separate terminals
# start rest services first
npm run start:rest-accounts
npm run start:rest-auth
npm run start:rest-payments
# one standard graphql server
npm run start:gql-standard
# or federation
npm run start:gql-fed-accounts
npm run start:gql-fed-auth
npm run start:gql-fed-payments
# start gateway last
npm run start:gql-gateway
Start - prod mode
# start rest services first
npm run start:rest-accounts:prod
npm run start:rest-auth:prod
npm run start:rest-payments:prod
# one standard graphql server
npm run start:gql-standard:prod
# or federation
npm run start:gql-fed-accounts:prod
npm run start:gql-fed-auth:prod
npm run start:gql-fed-payments:prod
# start gateway last
npm run start:gql-gateway:prod