Fake Web Socket Server
Fake Web Socket Server
Get a web socket server which generates fake data in 30 seconds or less.
Install the Server
To add the fake web socket server to your application, run the following command in a terminal window within your project's top-level folder (where package.json lives)
npm install -D -E fake-web-socket-server
This command will install and register the fake web socket server as a development dependency (not poluting your production releases). Also, the version number will be fixed to prevent against future upgrades from breaking your code.
Run the Server
If you running a newer version of Node.js which supports the npx command, you can run the server from the a terminal window within the project's top-level folder using the following command:
npx fake-web-socket-server
If you would like to run the server as part of you npm scripts configuration, thenm odify your package.json file by adding a new scripts entry.
/* other entries */
"scripts": {
/* other entries */
"fake-web-socket-server": "fake-web-socket-server"
From a terminal window within your project's top-level folder run the following command:
npm run fake-web-socket-server
Server Options
--port, -p - set the port number, the default port is 8080
Example Code
With the JavaScript of your web application, run the following code:
// ensure the port number matches the default one or the one you specified from the command line
const webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
webSocket.addEventListener('message', message => {
webSocket.addEventListener('open', () => {
payload: 'test',
Load the web page into your web browser, then open the console in the browser's development tools. The echo content should appear.
Each message should be given a type. The supported types are:
- echo - echos the payload back immediately
- counter - generates 10 numbers on a fixed interval of 500 milliseconds
- random_number - generates 10 random numbers (0 to 1) on a fixed interval of 500 milliseconds
Each type supports additional options:
Echo Type
- delay - the delay (in milliseconds) before sending the echoed payload from the server
Code Example:
payload: 'test',
delay: 1000, // delay 1 second (1000 milliseconds)
Counter Type
- interval - the interval (in milliseconds) between each number sent from the server
- take - the number of numbers to send
Code Example:
interval: 2000, // send a number every two seconds (2000 milliseconds)
take: 100, // send 100 numbers
Random Number Type
- interval - the interval (in milliseconds) between each random number sent from the server
- take - the number of numbers to send
Code Example:
interval: 2000, // send a random number every two seconds (2000 milliseconds)
take: 100, // send 100 numbers