A command-line tool to generate your GitHub acitivity graph and copy repositories with full commits history authored by you
Generate GitHub profile
A command-line tool to generate your GitHub activity graph and copy repositories with full commits hitory. If you find a repository, you can fully copy that into yours. This means you become author of the repository and keep all commits history and other contributors.
How To Use
Make sure you have Git, GitHub CLI and Node.js installed on your machine.
Generate a new SSH key if you don't have.
npx fake-git-repository --help
npx fake-git-repository -h
npx fake-git-repository history -h
npx fake-git-repository repository -h
- There are two available commands:
. You can see the help text for detailed options.
npx fake-git-repository history
npx fake-git-repository history --workdaysOnly
npx fake-git-repository history -w
npx fake-git-repository history --repositoryName fake-commit-history
npx fake-git-repository history -r fake-commit-history
npx fake-git-repository history --workdaysOnly --commitsPerDay "0,5" --startDate "2011-01-01" --endDate "2021-01-01" --repositoryName fake-commit-history
npx fake-git-repository history -w -c "0,5" -s "2011-01-01" -t "2021-01-01" --r fake-commit-history
npx fake-git-repository repository -u user1
npx fake-git-repository repository --sourceUser user1
npx fake-git-repository repository -u user1 -s repo1
npx fake-git-repository repository --sourceUser user1 --sourceRepo repo1
npx fake-git-repository repository --sourceUser user1 --sourceRepo repo1 --targetRepo new_repo1 --targetDesc "Great repository" --targetVisi public --changeAuthor user1
npx fake-git-repository repository -u user1 -s repo1 -t new_repo1 -d "Great repository" -v public -a user1
It is something I wrote as a joke, so don't take it seriously. I don't encourage you to cheat, but if anybody is judging your professional skills by GitHub profile, they deserve to see a rich GitHub profile with excellent activity graph and repositories.
If you rely on this tool, please consider buying me a coffee to send me a little ETH. I would appreciate it.
My address is 0x135c823878da9F9d71e9Fc486fA2FE62cE9861a3