multi select for laravel and vue or vue inertia
is a Vue.js component built using vue-multiselect
, designed for seamless integration with backend systems such as Laravel. It functions as a dynamic, API-driven select dropdown similar to Select2
, but customized for Vue applications.
- Vue.js based: Built with Vue.js for easy integration with Vue applications.
- API-Driven: Fetch data asynchronously from a backend (e.g., Laravel) using API calls.
- Customizable: Supports dynamic placeholders, labels, and multiple selection.
- Debounced Search: Built-in debounced search to optimize API requests.
- Loading State: Displays a loading spinner while fetching data.
- Supports Multiple Selection: Can be configured for single or multiple selections.
Example Usage
:param="{municipality: form.municipality, brgy: form.brgy}" // you can pass directly the param
:param="optionalParams" // you can pass also the ref. just choose one of the param you prefered
:multiple="true" //remove this line for single selection
:label="'first_name'" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
//important usage update
import { FahadSelect } from 'fahad-select';
const callMe = selectedData => {
const selectedOption = ref(null);
const optionalParams = { key: 'value' }; // Optional parameters to send along with the API request
## sample route usage
Route::get('/search-resident/with-address', [ResidentController::class, 'dropdownSearch_address'])->name('list.dropdownSearch.address');
public function dropdownSearch_address(Request $request){
//access all the data from param in the fron end using the request.
$param = $request->all(); // this will get all the params you sent fron the front end
//if using label match the labelname and the text for option
$query = null;
// search sample for a model for laravel
// you make a all of your query here. anything you like
$query = Model::where('first_name','like','%'.$request->query_.'%')->limit(30);
} else {
//you can send initial 30 results without serching.
$query = Model::limit(30);
$mappedData = $query->get()->map(function ($d) {
return [
'id' => $d->id,
'first_name' => ucfirst($d->last_name).', '.ucfirst($d->first_name),
//if not using label match the labelname. just use name as key
$mappedData = $query->get()->map(function ($d) {
return [
'id' => $d->id,
'name' => ucfirst($d->last_name).', '.ucfirst($d->first_name),
//you can add html inside the name. even image. to have its icon. and it will work.
$mappedData = $query->get()->map(function ($d) {
return [
'id' => $d->id,
'name' => '<strong>'.ucfirst($d->last_name).'</strong>, '.ucfirst($d->first_name),
//you can add html inside the name. even image. to have its icon. and it will work.
$mappedData = $query->get()->map(function ($d) {
return [
'id' => $d->id,
'name' => '<img src="/icon.png" width="15" height="15" />'.ucfirst($d->last_name).', '.ucfirst($d->first_name),
//dont forget to return the maps data inside the results.
return json_encode([
'results' => $mappedData,