FacturAPI makes it easy for developers to generate valid Invoices in Mexico (known as Factura Electrónica or CFDI).
This is the unofficial Node.js wrapper for https://www.facturapi.io
FacturAPI makes it easy for developers to generate valid Invoices in Mexico (known as Factura Electrónica or CFDI).
If you've ever used Stripe or Conekta, you'll find FacturAPI very straightforward to understand and integrate in your server app.
npm install --save facturapi-es6
Getting started
Authenticate with your API Key
Make sure you have created your free account on FacturAPI and that you have your API Keys.
import { Facturapi } from "facturapi-es6";
const facturapi = new Facturapi("YOUR_API_KEY");
Create a customer
legal_name: "Walter White", // Razón social
tax_id: "WIWA761018", // RFC
email: "[email protected]", // Optional but useful to send invoice by email
address: {
street: "Av. de los Rosales",
exterior: "123",
neighborhood: "Tepito",
zip: "06800"
// city, municipality and state are filled automatically from the zip code
// but if you want to, you can override their values
// city: 'México',
// municipality: 'Cuauhtémoc',
// state: 'Ciudad de México'
.then(customer => {
// Remember to store the customer.id in your records.
// You will need it to create an invoice for this customer.
.catch(err => console.log(err)); // Handle the error.
Create a product
product_key: "4319150114", // Clave Producto/Servicio from SAT's catalog. Log in to FacturAPI and use our tool to look it up.
description: "Apple iPhone 8",
price: 20000 // price in MXN.
// By default, taxes are calculated from the price with IVA 16%
// But again, you can override that by explicitly providing a taxes array
// taxes: [
// { type: Facturapi.TaxType.IVA, rate: 0.16 },
// { type: Facturapi.TaxType.ISR, rate: 0.03666, withholding: true }
// ]
.then(product => {
// Remember to store the product.id in your records.
// You will need it to create an invoice for this product.
.catch(err => console.log(err)); // Handle the error.
Create an invoice
customer: 'YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID',
payment_form: Facturapi.PaymentForm.TRANSFERENCIA_ELECTRONICA, // Constant from SAT's catalog. Check out our documentation to learn more.
items: [{
quantity: 1, // Optional. Defaults to 1.
product: 'YOUR_PRODUCT_ID' // You can also pass a product object instead
}] // Add as many products as you want to include in your invoice
}).then(invoice => { ... });
Download your invoice
// Once you have successfully created your invoice, you can...
const fs = require('fs');
facturapi.invoices.downloadZip(invoice.id) // or downloadPdf or downloadXml
.then(zipStream => {
// stream containing the PDF and XML as a ZIP file
// Save your invoice to a folder
const myZipFile = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/destination/folder');
myZipFile.on('finish', () => {
// Finished downloading, Yay!
Send your invoice by email
// Send the invoice to your customer's email (if any)
.sendByEmail(invioce.id) // Also returns a Promise
.then(() => {
// Successfully sent
.catch(err => console.log(err)); // Handle the error.
There's more you can do with this library: List, retrieve, update, and remove Customers, Products and Invoices.
Visit the full documentation at http://docs.facturapi.io.
Found a bug?
Please report it on the Issue Tracker
Want to contribute?
Send us your PR! We appreciate your help :)