fqueue is a micro-plugin to queue function execution to handle asyncronous flow and stepping though functions. So you save yourself with ugly callbacks and can make your code more preety.
fqueue is a micro-plugin to queue function execution to handle asyncronous flow and stepping though functions.
or queue.add(function(){ //do something else });
You can also use .next() method if there is only one function on a particular index of queue.
**step method can be directly passed as callback while next and and complete can't be. And this method is very handy while you are dealing of hierarchy of callbacks in node.js.
You can use .data,.previousResult,.results to store data, get return value of previous function and to get result of all functions.
In some case you want to call the same queue but you want to ignore some functions in the queue. Suppose the first function was used only to get name and third function only log was done and while calling again the queue you want to ignore first and third function.