I18N with built-in pluralize and format funcionality for many languages
- Requires only one external module
- Contains built-in formatter support (For strings and objects)
- Plural support for 30 languages!
- Very fast
- Translations stored in .yml files
Basic example
- Create a folder for translations (E.g 'i18n')
- Create a file with all strings in it, E.g file en.yml
hello: Hello, {who}!
msgCount: You have {count} %message&{count}%
- message
- messages
- Then init module in your app:
const ez_i18n = require('ez-i18n');
const translator = new ez_i18n({
* Syntax for that command is
* ez_i18n(<options>);
* Options object contain these keys:
* langDir <STRING> - directory, where translations are stored
* encoding <STRING> - encoding for translation files (Optional, defaults to UTF-8)
* warns <BOOL> - show a warnings for missing translations? (Optional, defaults to false)
* debug <BOOL> - show a debug info. Dont use it. (Optional, defaults to false)
* returns <FUNCTION>
- Create a translator for a specified language:
const _ = translator('en');
* Syntax for that command is
* translator(<lang>)
* lang <STRING> - language to use, e.g 'en'
* returns <FUNCTION>
- And use it:
console.log(_('hello', {who: 'world'}));
// Hello, world!
console.log(_('msgCount', {count: 1}));
// You have 1 message
console.log(_('msgCount', {count: 2}));
// You have 2 messages
##Format string
Syntax is %{string} or %{num}
If num used, then function uses params passed to function:
E.g: _('str','test1','test2','test3')
%{1} will be 'test1'
%{2} will be 'test2'
%{3} will be 'test3'
Othervise strings from object will be used:
E.g: _('str',{test1:'test2',test3:'test4',test5:'test6'})
%{test1} will be 'test2'
%{test3} will be 'test4'
%{test5} will be 'test6'
Syntax is #{string,count}
Syntax is ${string}
##Test results
✓ should start correctly
✓ should return translator function
✓ should return correct string for every language
✓ should return correct templated string for all arguments
✓ should return correct templated string for data object
✓ should correctly pluralize a string for all languages
✓ can work for yml structures
7 passing (8ms)