Library for doing component tests with hippie
Eyeos-hippie Library
Library for eyeos component-tests.
It uses hippie (https://www.npmjs.com/package/hippie).
How to use it
- login ( done, username, [ data ] )
Do a login with the username and password if data is a password.
Do a fake login (ie get valid card and signature) with the username if data is undefined or an array of permissions.
setup(function (done) { // fake login (get card without permissions and signature only) eyeosHippie.login(done, 'eyeos'); // fake login (get card with custom permissions and signature only) eyeosHippie.login(done, 'eyeos', [ 'my.custom.permission' ]); // real login (do a real request to the authentication service) eyeosHippie.login(done, 'eyeos', 'eyeos'); });
logout ( done, isReal )
Do a logout if it is real, removes card and signature otherwise.basicRequest ( baseUrl = 'https://localhost' )
Return a basic request to baseUrlbasicRequestWithCardAndSignature ( [ baseUrl = url to request OR { baseUrl: 'https://localhost', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } ] )
Return a basic request with card and signature to baseUrlgetCard
Return the card stringifygetSignature
Return the signaturesetRequestFromHar ( path = path of the har file, authenticatedRequest = if true, do a request with card and signature )
Sets all the params of a request har file in order to expect something after
eyeos-hippie utility: eyeos-split-har
Is installed in the local path
Usage: ./node_modules/.bin/eyeos-split-har [HAR_FILE_PATH] [OUTPUT_FOLDER]
eyeos-hippie utility: eyeos-upload-file
Uses filesCdnServer to upload a file to an user directory.
Is installed in the local path Usage: ./node_modules/.bin/eyeos-upload-file file [pathUnderUserFiles] [user] [baseUrl]
Example: Upload file: "...banana.gif" into directory "aDirectory" of user "eyeos"
./src/tools/eyeos-upload-file.js '/home/eyeos/workspace/files-server/component-test/test_files/dancing-banana.gisf' aDirectory eyeos
eyeos-hippie utility: eyeos-har-to-jmx
Is installed in the local path
Usage: ./node_modules/.bin/eyeos-har-to-jmx [INPUT_HAR_FILE] [OUTPUT_JMX_FILE] [TYPE(defaults to 'stress')]
Quick help
- Install modules
$ npm install
- Check tests
$ grunt test