My package can interact with FiveM/RedM APIS
My package can interact with FiveM/RedM APIS
How-to install :
npm i eyal-cfx-api
How-to use : Here is an example to display the number of players online on a server. (default port is 30120)
const eg = require('eyal-cfx-api');
const server = new eg.Eyal(`ip:port`);
server.getPlayers().then(async (d) =>{
let pl=[];
let index=1;
for(let p of d){
let di=[];
let f=[];
let s=[];
for(let i of p.identifiers){
if (i.startsWith("discord:")) di.push(i.replace('discord:', ''));
if (i.startsWith("fivem:")) f.push(i.replace('fivem:', ''));
if (i.startsWith("steam:")) s.push(i.replace('steam:', ''));
pl.push(`${index++}. [ID : ${p.id}] | \`${p.name}\` | {DISCORD ID: ${di || 'Not found'}} | *CFX ID: ${f || 'Not Found'}* | /STEAM ID: ${s || 'Not Found'}/`) //to get the discord ping type <@${di}> but i will simply type discord cause i print the data into the console.
console.log(pl.length > 0 ? pl : 'No one online')
}).catch((err) => {
console.log(`Server is offline.`)
Requests :
- getHost() - Hostname or IP of the game server.
- getPort() - Query port for the game server. (default port is 30120)
- getServerStatus() - Get server status of the server (online/offline)
- getPlayers() - All players in the server. (array of objects)
- getPlayersOnline() - Number of players online in the server.
- getMaxPlayers() - Get the maximum amount of players that are able to join the server.
- getServerResources() - Get all resource names of the server resources.
- getServerLocale() - The language of the server.
- getServerVersion() - Get version of the server.
- getServerTags() - Get all tags of the server.
- getLicenseKey() - The license key for the server.
- getServerDescription() - Get the description of the server.
- getServerName() - Get the name of the server.
- getFXServer() - Get information about the FX Server.
- getLan() - Get whether the server is on LAN or not.
- getGameName() - Get the name of the game.
- getDiscord() - Get the Discord link associated with the server.
- getOneSync() - Get whether OneSync is enabled or not.
- getEnForceGameBuild() - Get whether the game build is enforced or not.
- getPureLevel() - Get the pure level of the server.
- getBannerConnecting() - Get the connecting banner of the server.
- getBannerDetail() - Get the detail banner of the server.
- getlicenseKeyToken() - Get the license key token of the server.
- getenhancedHostSupport() - Get whether enhanced host support is enabled or not.