Extract class names and ids from css files.
Extract Css Names
Extract all CSS class and id names to generate (replace with) random names (a-z0-9). This module returns all matches. You can use it, to replace matches inside different files.
How it works
Read data from the provided key "data". Extract all names and generate minified class names. The result (for each file) are stored inside 2 files:
For each file the output are written to the provided file ouput path, in the next iteration the current files output/content readed to avoid dupplicate names.
Example how to use it with gulp
const ExtractCssNames = require('extract-css-names');
const through = require('through2');
const fs = require("fs");
gulp.task('extract:css', (done) =>
* Storage
const outputCss = `${__dirname}/extracted-names-for-css`;
const outputJs = `${__dirname}/extracted-names-for-js`;
* Remove old matches
if (fs.existsSync(outputCss)) { fs.unlinkSync(outputCss); }
if (fs.existsSync(outputJs)) { fs.unlinkSync(outputJs); }
return gulp
* Loop trought each file and extract names
through.obj(async (cssFileBuffer, enc, cb) =>
await new ExtractCssNames(
path: cssFileBuffer.path,
data: cssFileBuffer.contents.toString(),
restModulo: 10000,
restTime: 200,
logger: {
logging: true,
prefix: 'Extract',
displayFilename: true,
displayPercentage: true,
type: 'bar', // spinner | bar | dots | dots2 | arc | line
barBg: 'bgCyan'
displayResult: true,
ignore: [
cb(null, cssFileBuffer);
Example how to use it with node js
const ExtractCssNames = require('extract-css-names');
const fs = require("fs");
* Matches storage
const outputCss = `${__dirname}/extracted-names-for-css`;
const outputJs = `${__dirname}/extracted-names-for-js`;
* Remove old matches
if (fs.existsSync(outputCss)) { fs.unlinkSync(outputCss); }
if (fs.existsSync(outputJs)) { fs.unlinkSync(outputJs); }
const files = [
const extract = async (c = 0) =>
const data = fs.readFileSync(files[c], 'UTF-8');
await new ExtractCssNames(
path: files[c],
restModulo: 10000,
restTime: 200,
logger: {
logging: true,
prefix: 'Extract',
displayFilename: true,
displayPercentage: true,
type: 'bar', // spinner | bar | dots | dots2 | arc | line
barBg: 'bgCyan'
displayResult: true,
ignore: [
if(undefined !== files[c])
await extract(c);
Example file content of outputCss
"find": ".rc-select-selection__choice-zoom-appear-active",
"replace": ".a",
"type": "class"
"find": ".rc-select-selection__choice-zoom-leave-active",
"replace": ".b",
"type": "class"
"find": ".rc-calendar-year-panel-decade-select-arrow",
"replace": ".c",
"type": "class"
"find": ".rc-calendar-decade-panel-last-century-cell",
"replace": ".d",
"type": "class"
"find": ".rc-calendar-decade-panel-next-century-cell",
"replace": ".e",
"type": "class"
"find": ".rc-calendar-picker-slide-up-appear-active",
"replace": ".f",
"type": "class"
Example file content of outputJs
ExtractCssNames options
| Option | type | Description
| --------------- | ------- | ------------- |
| path
| string | Path of the current file
| outputCss
| string | Path to store/write current matches for replacement in CSS files
| outputJs
| string | Path to store/write current matches for replacement in JS files
| data
| string | Path to file or (css) data as string
| restModulo
| number | Each number of lines should be made a break
| restTime
| number | Duration of the break in ms
| displayResult
| boolean | Display the match result in the terminal
| ignore
| array | Ignore names to extract (with provided type: '.' for class and '#' for id), [ '.classNameToIgnore', '#idToIgnore' ]
| logger
| object | Logger options
ExtractCssNames logger options
| Option | type | Description
| ------------------- | ------- | ------------- |
| logging
| boolean | Display current process
| prefix
| string | Prefix on the logging line
| displayFilename
| boolean | Display current processed filename (filename extracted from path)
| displayPercentage
| boolean | Display current percentage value
| type
| string | Process animation type. Available types: 'spinner', 'bar', 'dots', 'dots2', 'arc', 'line'
| barBg
| string | If the animation type is bar, then set the bar's background-color. Background colors are based on the chalk