Common utility commands for Git repositories.
Common utility commands for Git repositories. 📦 NPM, 🖥️ Shell, 📜 Files, 📘 Wiki.
This is an extension of "git-extras" and "git-extra-commands", including
some additional commonly used git tools; cpush, apush, and xclone. You
can install this with npm install -g extra-git.sh
Stability: Experimental.
# Commit current changes and push (inc. submodules)
$ egit cpush "message"
# Amend current changes and push (inc. submodules)
$ egit apush
# Clone repository to local (inc. submodules)
$ egit xclone openstack/openstack
# Do a hard reset and delete all untracked files
$ egit clear
# List authors
$ egit authors --list
$ egit authors --list --no-email
# TJ Holowaychuk <[email protected]>
# hemanth.hm <[email protected]>
# Jonhnny Weslley <[email protected]>
# nickl- <[email protected]>
# Leila Muhtasib <[email protected]>
# Merge commits from src-branch into the current branch as a single commit
$ egit squash fixed-cursor-styling
$ egit squash fixed-cursor-styling "Fixed cursor styling"
$ egit squash 95b7c52
$ egit squash HEAD~3
$ egit squash HEAD~3 "Work on a feature"
# Current branch name in automation-friendly format
$ egit branch-name
# main
# Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD
$ egit delete-local-merged
# Show files being ignored by git in the repo
$ egit ignored
| Command | Action | | --------------- | ---------------------------- | | abort | Abort current git operation. | | add-submodule | Add submodule to repository. | | add-username-remote | Adds a remote for the current repository for the given GitHu ... | | age | A git-blame viewer, written using PyGTK. | | ahead-of-master | Show commits that haven't made it to master yet. | | alias | Define, search and show aliases. | | amend-push | Amend current changes and push (inc. submodules). | | amend-push-submodules | Amend current changes and push all submodules. | | apush | Amend current changes and push (inc. submodules). | | apush-submodules | Amend current changes and push all submodules. | | archive-file | Export the current HEAD of the git repository to an archive. | | attic | Displays a list of deleted files in your repository. The out ... | | authors | Generate authors report. | | authors | Generate authors report. | | basename | Get name of repository from URL. | | big-file | Show files in the repository larger than a threshold size. | | branch-name | Prints the current branch name in automation-friendly format. | | branch-rebaser | Kicks off an interactive rebase of all the commits on your b ... | | branches-that-touch | Shows which branches touch files under a path that are remot ... | | browse | View the web page for the current repository. | | brv | List branches sorted by their last commit date. | | bulk | Run git commands on multiple repositories. | | change-author | Change one author/email in the history to another. | | change-log | Transform git log output into a complete Changelog for proje ... | | changelog | Generate a changelog report. | | changes | Symlink to git-authors. List authors in the repository in de ... | | checkout-by-date | Lets you checkout several files at once at the version speci ... | | checkout-commit | Uses fzf(https//github.com/junegunn/fzf) to checkout a commi ... | | checkout-default-branch | Checks out the default branch of the origin remote so you do ... | | checkout-pr | Check out a PR locally. | | checkout-preview | Uses fzf(https//github.com/junegunn/fzf) to checkout a branc ... | | children-of | Shows the children of a given git commit. | | churn | Show which files are getting changed most often in the repos ... | | clear | Rigorously clean up a repository. | | clear-soft | Soft clean up a repository. | | clone-init-submodules | Clone repository to local (inc. submodules). | | clone-subset | Uses git clone and git filter-branch to remove from the clon ... | | coauthor | Add a co-author to the last commit. | | comma | Adds and commits a file in one command. | | commit-browser | Uses fzf(https//github.com/junegunn/fzf) to browse commit hi ... | | commit-push | Commit current changes and push (inc. submodules). | | commit-push-submodules | Commit current changes and push all submodules. | | commits-since | Show commit logs since some date. | | conflicts | Show files with conflicts. | | contrib | Show user's contributions. | | copy-branch-name | Copy the current branch's name to the clipboard (macOS Only). | | count | Show commit count. | | cp | Copy a file keeping its history. | | cpush | Commit current changes and push (inc. submodules). | | cpush-submodules | Commit current changes and push all submodules. | | create-branch | Create branches. | | credit | Quicker way to assign credit to another author on the latest ... | | current-branch | Prints the name of the current branch with no odd characters ... | | cut-branch | Create a new branch pointed at HEAD and reset the curren ... | | default-branch | Get default branch (local) of repository. | | delete-branch | Delete branches. | | delete-dangling-commits | Clean up dangling commits that are not on any branch. | | delete-local-merged | Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD. | | delete-merged-branches | Delete merged branches. | | delete-merged-branches | Delete merged branches. | | delete-squashed-and-merged-branches | Purges all branches that have been squashed and merged to a ... | | delete-squashed-branches | Delete branches that were squashed. | | delete-submodule | Delete submodules. | | delete-tag | Delete tags. | | delete-tag | Delete tags. | | delta | Lists changed files. | | diff-last | Show the last change made to a file in the repository. | | divergence | Shows differences between local branch and its tracking branch. | | edit-conflicts | Edit the files that are marked as conflicted during a merge/ ... | | effort | Show effort statistics on file(s). | | feature | Create/Merge feature branch. | | fetch-prs | Get all Pull Request branches as local remote branches by re ... | | fetch-pull-requests | Fetch pull requests from GitHub so you can git checkout pull ... | | files | List the files different between the current branch and REVI ... | | find-dirty | . | | flush | Compact your repository by dropping all reflogs, stashes, an ... | | force-clone | overwrite local repositories with clone. | | force-mtimes | Sets modification times of all files in the repository their ... | | forest | Prints a text-based tree visualisation of your repository. R ... | | fork | Fork a repo on github. | | fresh-branch | Create fresh branches. | | fullurl | Get full URL of repository from partial. | | functionlog | Allows you to get a git log of a particular function, not a ... | | fzf-add | Use fzf(https//github.com/junegunn/fzf) to select files to a ... | | fzf-log-browser | Use fzf(https//github.com/junegunn/fzf) to browse the reposi ... | | fzf-pickaxe-browser | Use fzf(https//github.com/junegunn/fzf) to display a git log ... | | fzf-reflog-browser | Use fzf(https//github.com/junegunn/fzf) to browse the reposi ... | | gh-pages | Create the GitHub Pages branch. | | git | Typing git git foo will make git do a git foo instead of com ... | | github-open | . | | gitlab-mr | Open a merge request on GitLab. | | graft | Merge and destroy a given branch. | | guilt | calculate change between two revisions. | | help | Print usage details of a command. | | history-graph | Pretty git log, single line per commit, with branch graphing. | | ignore | Add .gitignore patterns. | | ignore-io | Get sample gitignore file. | | ignored | Show files being ignored by git in the repository. | | improved-merge | Sophisticated git merge with integrated CI check and automat ... | | incoming | Show commits in the tracking branch that are not in the loca ... | | info | Returns information on current repository. | | init-submodules | Initialize all submodules. | | lines | Gives you a list of author names with the number of lines la ... | | local-commits | List local commits. | | lock | Lock a file excluded from version control. | | locked | ls files that have been locked. | | ls-branch-files | List files changed between a specifed branch and the current ... | | ls-object-refs | Find references to an object with SHA1 in refs, commits, and ... | | magic | Automate add/commit/push routines. | | maildiff | A simple git command to email diff in color to reviewer/ co- ... | | maxpack | Compress a repository's pack files as much as possible. | | merge-into | Merge one branch into another. | | merge-repo | Merge two repo histories. | | missing | Show commits missing from another branch. | | move-commits | git move-commits num-commits correct-branch moves the last n ... | | mr | Checks out a merge request locally. | | name | Get name of repository from URL. | | neck | Show commits from the HEAD until the first branching point. ... | | nuke | Nukes a branch locally and on the origin remote. | | object-deflate | Deflate an loose object file and write to standard output. | | obliterate | rewrite past commits to remove some files. | | oldest-common-ancestor | Finds the oldest common ancestor commit between two branches. | | origin-head | Prints the name of the origin remote's default branch. Not e ... | | outgoing | Show commits that are on the local branch that have not been ... | | overwritten | Aggregates git blame information about original owners of li ... | | paste | Send patches to pastebin for chat conversations. | | pie-ify | git pie-ify pattern replacement. | | plotrepo | Uses dot to draw a graph of the repository. | | pr | Checks out a pull request locally. | | promote | Promotes a local topic branch to a remote tracking branch of ... | | prune-branches | Deletes each fully merged branch after prompting for confirm ... | | pruneall | Prune branches from specified remotes, or all remotes when n ... | | psykorebase | Rebase a branch with a merge commit. | | publish | git publish remote remote-branch. | | pull-request | Create pull request for GitHub project. | | purge-from-history | Permanently delete files or folders from your git repository. | | pylint | Runs pylint on any .py files modified or added in the git st ... | | rank-contributors | Rummages through the changelog and orders contributors by th ... | | reauthor | Rewrite history to change author's identity. | | rebase-authors | Adds authorship info to interactive git rebase output. | | rebase-patch | Rebases a patch. | | rebase-theirs | Resolve rebase conflicts by favoring 'theirs' version. | | recent | Shows information about most recent commit on all local bran ... | | recently-checkedout-branches | Shows timestamp and name of recently checked-out branches in ... | | ref-recent | Shows the date, branch name, commit hash, and commit subject ... | | rel | Shows the relationship between the current branch and ref. ... | | related | Show other files that often get changed in commits that touc ... | | release | Commit, tag and push changes to the repository. | | remote-default-branch | Shows the default branch for a specified remote, defaults to ... | | rename-branch | rename local branch and push to remote. | | rename-branches | Rename multiple branches that start with a given name. | | rename-remote | Rename a remote. | | rename-tag | Rename a tag. | | repl | git read-eval-print-loop. | | reset-file | Reset one file. | | reset-with-fire | Hard reset the working directory, then zap any files not kno ... | | restore-mtime | Change mtime of files based on commit date of last change. | | reup | Like git pull but show a short and sexy log of changes after ... | | rm-deleted-from-repo | Removes files you deleted with rm from the repository for you. | | root | show path of root. | | root-directory | Prints the path to the root of the git repository you're in. | | roots | Show the root commits. | | run-command-on-revisions | Runs a given command over a range of git revisions. | | scp | Copy files to SSH compatible git-remote. | | sed | replace patterns in git-controlled files. | | setup | Set up a git repository. | | shamend | Amends your staged changes as a fixup (keeping the pre-exist ... | | show-merged-branches | Show merged branches. | | show-overwritten | Aggregates git blame information about the original owners o ... | | show-tree | show branch tree of commit history. | | show-unmerged-branches | Show unmerged branches. | | shrink-repo | Shrinks your clone of a git repository. | | sp | Simple push, single short command to commit, and push. Use - ... | | squash | squash N last changes up to a ref'ed commit. | | sr | Use fzf to switch to a different git ref. | | stamp | Stamp the last commit message. | | standup | Recall the commit history. | | stats | Displays stats for the files different between the current b ... | | submodule-rm | Allows you to remove a submodule easily with git submodule-r ... | | summary | Show repository summary. | | switch-branch | Make it easier to switch to a branch by a substring of its n ... | | sync | Sync local branch with remote branch. | | tag-and-sign | Create and sign a new tag. | | tag-diff | Show the differences between local tags and ones on the remo ... | | thanks | List the contributors to a repository in descending commit o ... | | touch | Touch and add file to the index. | | track | Sets up your branch to track a remote branch. Assumes you me ... | | trail | Show all branching points in the repository's git history so ... | | undelete | Undeletes a file. | | undo | Remove latest commits. | | undo | Remove latest commits. | | undo-push | Undoes your last push to branch 1 of origin. | | unlock | Unlock a file excluded from version control. | | unpushed | Show which commits have not been pushed to the tracking bran ... | | unreleased | Shows git commits since the last tagged version. | | up | Like git pull but show a short and sexy log of changes after ... | | upstream-sync | Fetches upstream/yourforkname and rebases it into your loc ... | | url | Get full URL of repository from partial. | | utimes | Change files modification time to their last commit date. | | what-the-hell-just-happened | Show what just happened. | | when-merged | Find when a commit was merged into one or more branches. | | where | Shows where a particular commit falls between releases. | | whoami | Shows what username email you have configured for the repos ... | | winner | Shows what authors have made the most commits, both by numbe ... | | wordiness | Shows how wordy people's commit messages are. Useful for sha ... | | work-in-progress | Starts an interactive rebase of all the commits you haven't ... | | wtf | git-wtf displays the state of your repository in a readable, ... | | xclone | Clone repository to local (inc. submodules). |