Get ready to use AWS Config from parameters and environment variables.
Get ready to use AWS Config from arguments and environment variables.
Do you want to:
- Have most of you AWS Config loaded from environment variables?
- Handle JSON shared credentials and config files?
- Get AWS Config from arguments?
- Run
npm install -g extra-awsconfig
in console. - To install this as a package use
npm install extra-awsconfig
# get default AWS config
awsconfig --access_key_id "..." --secret_access_key "..."
awsconfig --accessKeyId "..." --secretAccessKey "..."
awsconfig --id "..." --key "..."
# get AWS config with custom credentials
## all commands are equivalent
awsconfig --region "us-west-1"
# get AWS config with region="us-west-1"
awsconfig --sslEnabled=0
# get AWS config with SSL disabled
## enable SSL with simply --sslEnabled
awsconfig --profile dev
# get AWS config with "dev" profile
## credential and config associated with the profile is loaded
awsconfig --credentialsFile credentials.json
# use a custom credentials file
## credentials/config file can be INI for JSON
awsconfig [options]
# -> AWS config as JSON
# Options:
# --help: show this help
# -i, --id: set your AWS access key ID
# -k, --key: set your AWS secret access key
# -e, --endpoint: set the endpoint to send service requests to
# -r, --region: set the region to send service requests to (us-east-1)
# -p, --profile: set the AWS config profile to use (default)
# -f, --file: set custom AWS config file path
# -cf, --credentialsFile: set custom AWS credentails file path
# ...: for more options check AWS Config options below
# Environment variables:
$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID # set your default AWS access key ID
$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # set your default AWS secret access key
$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION # set default region to send service requests to (us-east-1)
$AWS_PROFILE # set default AWS config profile to use (default)
$AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE # set default AWS credentails file path (~/.aws/credentials)
$AWS_CONFIG_FILE # set default AWS config file path (~/.aws/config)
# Credential/Config file (INI):
aws_access_key_id = ...
aws_secret_access_key = ...
region = us-east-1
# Credential/Config file (JSON, default profile):
"accessKeyId": "...",
"secretAccessKey": "...",
"region": "us-east-1",
# Credential/Config file (JSON, multi-profile):
"profiles": true,
"default": {
"accessKeyId": "...",
"secretAccessKey": "...",
"region": "us-east-1",
"dev": { ... },
See AWS Config options.
const awsconfig = require('extra-awsconfig');
// get default AWS config
awsconfig({accessKeyId: '...', secretAccessKey: '...'});
// get AWS config with custom credentials
awsconfig({region: 'us-west-1'});
// get AWS config with region="us-west-1"
awsconfig({sslEnabled: false});
// get AWS config with SSL disabled
awsconfig({profile: 'dev'});
// get AWS config with "dev" profile
awsconfig({credentialsFile: 'credentials.json'});
// use a custom credentials file
/// credentials/config file can be INI for JSON
var A = process.argv, o = {};
for(var i=0, I=A.length; i<I;)
i = awsconfig.options(o, A[i], A, i);
// get AWS config from arguments
const awsconfig = require('extra-awsconfig');
awsconfig.options(options, argument_key, arguments, index);
// options: target object to store AWS config options
// argument_key: name of the argument (ex: "--help")
// arguments: arguments array (ex: process.argv)
// index: current index in arguments array (ex: i=2...args.length)
// -> new index in arguments array
// options: custom AWS config options
// -> AWS config options
// Default options:
options = {
file: '~/.aws/config', // set custom AWS config file path
credentialsFile: '~/.aws/credentials', // set custom AWS credentails file path
... /* for more options check AWS Config options below */
See AWS Config options.
Do you need anything similar?
- extra-amazontranslate can translate long text to target language.
- extra-amazontts can generate speech from text.
Suggestions are welcome. Please create an issue.
References: AWS Config, AWS CLI environment variables.