Modular and Extensible Redux Reducer Bundles (ducks-modular-redux)
extensible-duck is an implementation of the Ducks proposal. With this library you can create reusable and extensible ducks.
- Basic Usage
- Creating Reusable Ducks
- Extending Ducks
- Creating Reusable Duck Extensions
- Creating Ducks with selectors
Basic Usage
// widgetsDuck.js
import Duck from 'extensible-duck'
export default new Duck({
namespace: 'my-app', store: 'widgets',
types: ['LOAD', 'CREATE', 'UPDATE', 'REMOVE'],
initialState: {},
reducer: (state, action, duck) => {
switch(action.type) {
// do reducer stuff
default: return state
selectors: {
root: state => state
creators: (duck) => ({
loadWidgets: () => ({ type: duck.types.LOAD }),
createWidget: widget => ({ type: duck.types.CREATE, widget }),
updateWidget: widget => ({ type: duck.types.UPDATE, widget }),
removeWidget: widget => ({ type: duck.types.REMOVE, widget })
// reducers.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import widgetDuck from './widgetDuck'
export default combineReducers({ [widgetDuck.store]: widgetDuck.reducer })
Constructor Arguments
const { namespace, store, types, consts, initialState, creators } = options
| Name | Description | Type | Example |
| namespace | Used as a prefix for the types | String | 'my-app'
| store | Used as a prefix for the types and as a redux state key | String | 'widgets'
| storePath | Object path of the store from root infinal redux state. Defaults to the [duck.store] value. Can be used to define duck store location in nested state | String | 'foo.bar'
| types | List of action types | Array | [ 'CREATE', 'UPDATE' ]
| consts | Constants you may need to declare | Object of Arrays | { statuses: [ 'LOADING', 'LOADED' ] }
| initialState | State passed to the reducer when the state is undefined | Anything | {}
| reducer | Action reducer | function(state, action, duck) | (state, action, duck) => { return state }
| creators | Action creators | function(duck) | duck => ({ type: types.CREATE })
| sagas | Action sagas | function(duck) | duck => ({ fetchData: function* { yield ... }
| takes | Action takes | function(duck) | duck => ([ takeEvery(types.FETCH, sagas.fetchData) ])
| selectors | state selectors | Object of functionsorfunction(duck) | { root: state => state}
orduck => ({ root: state => state })
Duck Accessors
- duck.store
- duck.storePath
- duck.reducer
- duck.creators
- duck.sagas
- duck.takes
- duck.selectors
- duck.types
- for each const, duck.<const>
Helper functions
- constructLocalized(selectors): maps selectors syntax from
(globalStore) => selectorBody
into(localStore, globalStore) => selectorBody
is derived fromglobalStore
on every selector execution usingduck.storage
key. Use to simplify selectors syntax when used in tandem with reduxes'combineReducers
to bind the duck to a dedicated state part (example). If defined will use the duck.storePath value to determine the localized state in deeply nested redux state trees.
Defining the Reducer
While a plain vanilla reducer would be defined by something like this:
function reducer(state={}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
// ...
return state
Here the reducer has two slight differences:
- It receives the duck itself as the third argument
- It doesn't define the initial state (see Defining the Initial State)
new Duck({
// ...
reducer: (state, action, duck) => {
switch (action.type) {
// ...
return state
With the duck
argument you can access the types, the constants, etc (see Duck Accessors).
Defining the Creators
While plain vanilla creators would be defined by something like this:
export function createWidget(widget) {
return { type: CREATE, widget }
// Using thunk
export function updateWidget(widget) {
return dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: UPDATE, widget })
With extensible-duck you define it as an Object of functions:
export default new Duck({
// ...
creators: {
createWidget: widget => ({ type: 'CREATE', widget })
// Using thunk
updateWidget: widget => dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: 'UPDATE', widget })
If you need to access any duck attribute, you can define a function that returns the Object of functions:
export default new Duck({
// ...
types: [ 'CREATE' ],
creators: (duck) => ({
createWidget: widget => ({ type: duck.types.CREATE, widget })
Defining the Sagas
While plain vanilla creators would be defined by something like this:
function* fetchData() {
yield put({ type: reducerDuck.types.FETCH_PENDING })
const payload = yield call(Get, 'data')
yield put({
type: reducerDuck.types.FETCH_FULFILLED,
} catch(err) {
yield put({
type: reducerDuck.types.FETCH_FAILURE,
// Defining observer
export default [ takeEvery(reducerDuck.types.FETCH, fetchData) ]
With extensible-duck you define it as an Object of functions accessing any duck attribute:
export default new Duck({
// ...
sagas: {
fetchData: function* (duck) {
yield put({ type: duck.types.FETCH_PENDING })
const payload = yield call(Get, 'data')
yield put({
type: duck.types.FETCH_FULFILLED,
} catch(err) {
yield put({
type: duck.types.FETCH_FAILURE,
// Defining observer
takes: (duck) => ([
takeEvery(duck.types.FETCH, duck.sagas.fetchData)
Defining the Initial State
Usually the initial state is declared within the the reducer declaration, just like bellow:
function myReducer(state = {someDefaultValue}, action) {
// ...
With extensible-duck you define it separately:
export default new Duck({
// ...
initialState: {someDefaultValue}
If you need to access the types or constants, you can define this way:
export default new Duck({
// ...
consts: { statuses: ['NEW'] },
initialState: ({ statuses }) => ({ status: statuses.NEW })
Defining the Selectors
Simple selectors:
export default new Duck({
// ...
selectors: {
shopItems: state => state.shop.items
Composed selectors:
export default new Duck({
// ...
selectors: {
shopItems: state => state.shop.items,
subtotal: new Duck.Selector(selectors => state =>
selectors.shopItems(state).reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0)
Using with Reselect:
export default new Duck({
// ...
selectors: {
shopItems: state => state.shop.items,
subtotal: new Duck.Selector(selectors =>
items => items.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0)
Selectors with duck reference:
export default new Duck({
// ...
selectors: (duck) => ({
shopItems: state => state.shop.items,
addedItems: new Duck.Selector(selectors =>
items => {
const out = [];
items.forEach(item => {
if (-1 === duck.initialState.shop.items.indexOf(item)) {
return out;
Defining the Types
export default new Duck({
namespace: 'my-app', store: 'widgets',
// ...
types: [
'CREATE', // myDuck.types.CREATE = "my-app/widgets/CREATE"
'RETREIVE', // myDuck.types.RETREIVE = "my-app/widgets/RETREIVE"
'UPDATE', // myDuck.types.UPDATE = "my-app/widgets/UPDATE"
'DELETE', // myDuck.types.DELETE = "my-app/widgets/DELETE"
Defining the Constants
export default new Duck({
// ...
consts: {
statuses: ['NEW'], // myDuck.statuses = { NEW: "NEW" }
fooBar: [
'FOO', // myDuck.fooBar.FOO = "FOO"
'BAR' // myDuck.fooBar.BAR = "BAR"
Creating Reusable Ducks
This example uses redux-promise-middleware and axios.
// remoteObjDuck.js
import Duck from 'extensible-duck'
import axios from 'axios'
export default function createDuck({ namespace, store, path, initialState={} }) {
return new Duck({
namespace, store,
consts: { statuses: [ 'NEW', 'LOADING', 'READY', 'SAVING', 'SAVED' ] },
types: [
reducer: (state, action, { types, statuses, initialState }) => {
switch(action.type) {
case types.UPDATE:
return { ...state, obj: { ...state.obj, ...action.payload } }
case types.FETCH_PENDING:
return { ...state, status: statuses.LOADING }
return { ...state, obj: action.payload.data, status: statuses.READY }
case types.POST_PENDING:
case types.PATCH_PENDING:
return { ...state, status: statuses.SAVING }
case types.POST_FULFILLED:
return { ...state, status: statuses.SAVED }
return state
creators: ({ types }) => ({
update: (fields) => ({ type: types.UPDATE, payload: fields }),
get: (id) => ({ type: types.FETCH, payload: axios.get(`${path}/${id}`),
post: () => ({ type: types.POST, payload: axios.post(path, obj) }),
patch: () => ({ type: types.PATCH, payload: axios.patch(`${path}/${id}`, obj) })
initialState: ({ statuses }) => ({ obj: initialState || {}, status: statuses.NEW, entities: [] })
// usersDuck.js
import createDuck from './remoteObjDuck'
export default createDuck({ namespace: 'my-app', store: 'user', path: '/users' })
// reducers.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import userDuck from './userDuck'
export default combineReducers({ [userDuck.store]: userDuck.reducer })
Extending Ducks
This example is based on the previous one.
// usersDuck.js
import createDuck from './remoteObjDuck.js'
export default createDuck({ namespace: 'my-app',store: 'user', path: '/users' }).extend({
types: [ 'RESET' ],
reducer: (state, action, { types, statuses, initialState }) => {
switch(action.type) {
case types.RESET:
return { ...initialState, obj: { ...initialState.obj, ...action.payload } }
return state
creators: ({ types }) => ({
reset: (fields) => ({ type: types.RESET, payload: fields }),
Creating Reusable Duck Extensions
This example is a refactor of the previous one.
// resetDuckExtension.js
export default {
types: [ 'RESET' ],
reducer: (state, action, { types, statuses, initialState }) => {
switch(action.type) {
case types.RESET:
return { ...initialState, obj: { ...initialState.obj, ...action.payload } }
return state
creators: ({ types }) => ({
reset: (fields) => ({ type: types.RESET, payload: fields }),
// userDuck.js
import createDuck from './remoteObjDuck'
import reset from './resetDuckExtension'
export default createDuck({ namespace: 'my-app',store: 'user', path: '/users' }).extend(reset)
Creating Ducks with selectors
Selectors help in providing performance optimisations when used with libraries such as React-Redux, Preact-Redux etc.
// Duck.js
import Duck, { constructLocalized } from 'extensible-duck'
export default new Duck({
store: 'fruits',
initialState: {
items: [
{ name: 'apple', value: 1.2 },
{ name: 'orange', value: 0.95 }
reducer: (state, action, duck) => {
switch(action.type) {
// do reducer stuff
default: return state
selectors: constructLocalized({
items: state => state.items, // gets the items from state
subTotal: new Duck.Selector(selectors => state =>
// Get another derived state reusing previous selector. In this case items selector
// Can compose multiple such selectors if using library like reselect. Recommended!
// Note: The order of the selectors definitions matters
.reduce((computedTotal, item) => computedTotal + item.value, 0)
// reducers.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import Duck from './Duck'
export default combineReducers({ [Duck.store]: Duck.reducer })
// HomeView.js
import React from 'react'
import Duck from './Duck'
@connect(state => ({
items: Duck.selectors.items(state),
subTotal: Duck.selectors.subTotal(state)
export default class HomeView extends React.Component {
// make use of sliced state here in props