A log constructor for Adobe ExtendScript with optional log file, and broadcasts to CEP panels with "ExtendScript_Log" events. UMD wrapper for cross-compatability with AMD and node.js require.
An ExtendScript compatible log constructor object with shims for basic Console calls, log file, and custom "ExtendScript_Log" events sent to CEP panels.
Trying to split the difference between too-basic and OMG-features-and-dependencies.
- Works with node.js require, AMD(probably), and vanilla ExtendScript.
- Adds 'log' and 'console' aliases to optional parameter (like
) - Tries to JSON.stringify your message for you
- Optional ExtendScript_LogFile support
- Event delivery to CEP (panels) (with secret support for passing data packets)
- Make multiple logs with different names and levels and files
- Graceful fallbacks or omissions if optional dependencies missing
Non-Blocking Dependencies
via whatever library you care to include- Event to CEP panels with
new ExternalObject("lib:\PlugPlugExternalObject")
- ExtendScript_LogFile
If running Node NPM, you can npm install ExtendScript_Log
to add to your node_modules folder
Clone or download the repo and copy the ExtendScript_Log.jsxinc to your project
var extlog = require("ExtendScript_Log");
I don't know but it's probably not difficult? Firmly in the untested-but-should-work category
Eval into environment
Include in scripts
//@include "<path>/ExtendScript_Log.jsxinc"
concatinate or copy-paste directly
Add to a build script or, I dunno, just copy-pasta it in there?
Default log levels are:
- 0 - trace
- 1 - debug
- 2 - info (also default if not specified)
- 3 - warn
- 10 - error
Make new log object
make a new log and you get a separate instance
var myLog = new ExtendScript_Log();
myLog.log('Hey there.');
var specialLog = new ExtendScript_Log(null,"special");
myLog.warn('Special log thinks they're all that...');
specialLog.info('Default log is jealous cause I have a label.');
// prints:
// Hey there.
// SPECIAL:Salutations.
// [WARN] Special log thinks they're all that...
// SPECIAL:[INFO] Default log is jealous of my label.
Constructor options
"new" constructor takes 6 optional arguments. First arg is an alternate root object to tack on a 'log' and 'console' alias By passing $.global as first arg, we get global log and console objects!
root = $.global;// root to add convenience alisases to
logName = "specialLog";// name other than "defualt"
logLevel = 2;// log level filter
useLogFile = true;// make a log file? Deafults to false. (see Bonus Features)
keepOldLogs = false;// keep or delete all but latest log file?
logFileDir = undefined;// a string filepath to save logs to.
myLog = new ExtendScript_Log(root, logName, logLevel, useLogFile, keepOldLogs, logFileDir);
Use the log
Log.log (message, useAlert);// standard use
// send custom level/label; doesn't work with Log.info() etc.
Log.log (message, level, label, useAlert);
myLog = new ExtendScript_Log($.global);
console.log('Messages are good.');
console.info('So informative...');
log.error('Not a good thing');
mySecretLog = new ExtendScript_Log(null, "secret");
mySecretLog.warn('Tell no one...');
// prints:
// Messages are good.
// [INFO] So informative...
// [WARN] Duck!
// [ERROR] Not a good thing
// SECRET:[WARN] Tell no one...
Second argument sends up an blocking alert dialog in app if true
log.error('Not a good thing', true);
Bonus Features
Log file:
Tries to make a log file in ./logs or to ~/Desktop/ExtendScript_Log_UnsavedScripts/ or you can specify a custom log folder path as the 6th argument. Needs ExtendScript_LogFile, but will make a new log file automatically if that has been included.
Note: Different logs get different log files, even if they all print to the same console.
CEP event:
Tries to send type, level, label, and message as a packet in a custom event "ExtendScript_Log"
No JSON support needed in the script to send, but you have to un-strigify on receipt:
data string looks like: {type: "default", level:2, label:"info", message:"Important things!"}
Note: the "clear()" function sends a packet with "clear" label and log level 99.
Add custom labels and levels:
// add a custom log level
Log.gui('Making dialog');