Routing Decorators for Express apps
Express TS Router
A simple library which uses powerful Typescript feature - Decorator - to create Routes for express with typescript application
Using npm/yarn:
$ npm i -s expressts-router
$ yarn add expressts-router
Set these 2 properties in your tsconfig.json
"experimentalDecorators": true
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true
1. Environment variable Define a path pattern to your controller files by adding 'X_CONTROLLERS_PATH' environment variable in your .env file. If no value specified, the default path pattern will be 'dist/controllers/**/*.controller.js' Note The path pattern must lead to the compiled .js files, not the .ts file
2. Create your controller class: For example, I created a file 'src/controllers/value.controller.ts' In 'value.controller.ts':
import { Controller } from "expressts-router"
// You can specify the prefix to this controller by passing a string to @Controller decorator
// Ex: By passing '/value' to the @Controller decorator, the prefix to this controller will be '{host}/value'
export class ValueController {
Define your request handler in 'value.controller.ts':
import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express"
import {
} from "expressts-router"
import { someMiddleware } from '../middlewares'
export class ValueController {
// Use @Get decorator to define a GET request handler
@Get({ path: '' })
getValues(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
res.json(['value1', 'value2'])
// There are other decorators for POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods as well
@Post({ path: '' })
createValue(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
// TODO: Create value
// You can also use middlewares
path: '/with-middleware',
middlewares: [ someMiddleware ]
getValuesWithMiddlewares(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
res.json(['value1', 'value2'])
In your root file (usually index.ts or app.ts):
- If you want to use async/await:
import express from 'express'
import { createRoutes } from 'expressts-router'
const app = express()
const startApp = async () => {
app.use(await createRoutes())
app.listen(3000, () => {`Server is running on port 3000`)
- If you want to use promise:
import express from 'express'
import { createRoutes } from 'expressts-router'
const app = express()
// create routes and return the router
createRoutes().then(router => {
// use created router
app.listen(3000, () => {`Server is running on port 3000`)
That's all!! Open http://localhost:3000/value on your browser The response should be
['value1', 'value2']
createRoutes(router: Router): Router
Create routes and return the router Parameters: - router?: Router object created by Router() function from 'express'. If router is undefined, create new Router Returns: - router: Router object which has routes defined
Controller(prefix: string)
Define a controller Parameters: - prefix: string - the url prefix to access to the controller, default to ''
Get(httpActionOptions: HTTPActionOptions)
Define a GET request handler
Post(httpActionOptions: HTTPActionOptions)
Define a POST request handler
Patch(httpActionOptions: HTTPActionOptions)
Define a PATCH request handler
Put(httpActionOptions: HTTPActionOptions)
Define a PUT request handler
Delete(httpActionOptions: HTTPActionOptions)
Define a DELETE request handler
- path: string
- middlewares?: RequestHandler[] - an array of Express's request handlers
Change logs
1.1.0: Add new export getControllers