Expression Evaluation
Evaluation of closed-form analytic expressions using recursive descent parser.
Parser supports boolean expressions, regular algebraic expressions, various numeric, buffer, string, array, and object functions. It also supports global, and local variables, along with first-order functions and type checking.
Target: ES2022 [browser+NodeJS][ESM+CJS].
Data processing domain requires a language to describe data processing rules in intuitive yet concise form. Here are the list of features:
- Parse once, execute multiple times
- Efficient expression evaluation and basic type checking
- Support for boolean, number, buffer, string, array, object, function, void, and nullable types, including unknown type
- Boolean, arithmetic, buffer, string and index operators
- Numeric, buffer and string comparison operators
- Variadic functions, first-order functions
- Input and statement variables
- Standard math functions
- Easy to add custom functions or constants
Expression may contain multiple comma separated sub-expressions. The value of an expression is the value of the last sub-expression in the program.
Number scientific notation is supported. Hexadecimal integer literals start with prefix #. Hexadecimal buffer literals start with prefix ##.
Array is an ordered sequence of values of any type, essentially tuple. It can be defined using brackets with comma separated elements inside. Array element can be accessed using brackets with numeric value inside. Empty array can be declared as [].
Object is a container of named values of any type. It can be defined using brackets with comma separated key value pairs separated by colon. Object property can be accessed using operator . with string literal or using brackets with string key or numeric index inside. Empty object can be declared as accessor [:]
Function is a callable unit producing a value. Built-in functions can be extended with configuration entries. Also it is possible to define subroutines, i.e. functions defined in the code.
Type of any array is array. Type of any object is object. Type of any function is function. Type of null is void.
Valid variable or function names consist of a letter, or _ characters followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters, and _. For example: x, _a1, abc25
Whitespace characters are ignored.
- boolean for values true and false
- number
- buffer
- string
- array
- object
- function
- void for value null
- type modifier ? to make any type optional (nullable)
- unknown type ??
- Assignment: =
- Value grouping: (...)
- Unit grouping: {...}
- Next statement: ,
- Array element at numeric index, or object property by string key: []
- Object property by string key or method function call: .
- Boolean negation: !
- Boolean disjunction: |
- Boolean conjunction: &
- Greater than: >
- Less than: <
- Greater than or equals to: >=
- Less than or equals to: <=
- Equals to: ==
- Not equals to: !=
- Null coalescence: ?:
- Arithmetic addition: +
- Arithmetic subtraction or negation: -
- Arithmetic multiplication: *
- Arithmetic division: /
- Arithmetic remainder: %
- Buffer, string, or array concatination: +>
- Subroutine definition: ->...
- Strongly typed subroutine definition: return-type(argument1-type argument1-name, ...)->...
- Array definiton: [element1, ...]
- Object definition: [propery1-key: property1-value, ...]
- Cycle statement, iterates evaluation of suffix while prefix is true: ...@...
- Switch statement, returns first or second suffix if prefix is true or false: ...$...:...
Global Functions
- Boolean disjunction: boolean Or(boolean|array ...values)
- Boolean conjunction: boolean And(boolean|array ...values)
- Boolean negation: boolean Not(boolean value)
- Numeric sum: number Sum(number|array ...values)
- Numeric minimum: number Min(number|array ...values)
- Numeric maximum: number Max(number|array ...values)
- New array filled with integers in between given two numbers: array Range(number inclusiveFrom, number exclusiveTo)
- Chain array of any depths into single array: array Chain(array ...values)
- Merge objects into single object: object Merge(array|object ...values)
Base Method Functions
- Greater than: boolean number.GreaterThan(number value)
- Less than: boolean number.LessThan(number value)
- Greater than or equals to: boolean number.GreaterOrEqual(number value)
- Less than or equals to: boolean number.LessOrEqual(number value)
- Equals to: boolean ??.Equal(?? value)
- Not equals to: boolean ??.Unequal(?? value)
- String alphanumerically equals to: boolean string.Like(string value)
- String alphanumerically not equals to: boolean string.Unlike(string value)
- Null coalescence: ?? ??.Coalesce(?? valueIfNull)
- Conditional statement: ?? boolean.Switch(?? valueIfTrue, ?? valueIfFalse)
- String contains substring: boolean string.Contains(string search, number? startPos, boolean? boolean? ignoreCaseSpaceEtc)
- String starts with substring: boolean string.StartsWith(string search, number? startPos, boolean? ignoreCaseSpaceEtc)
- String ends with substring: boolean string.EndsWith(string search, number? endPos, boolean? boolean? ignoreCaseSpaceEtc)
- Check if every item satisfies condition: boolean array.Every(function condition)
- Check if any item satisfies condition: boolean array.Any(function condition)
- Get alphanumeric digest of string: string string.Alphanum()
- Trim whitespace: string string.Trim()
- Trim whitespace at start: string string.TrimStart()
- Trim whitespace at end: string string.TrimEnd()
- Lower case: string string.LowerCase()
- Upper case: string string.UpperCase()
- Concatination of array of strings with separator: string array.Join(string separator = ' ')
- Split string into array of strings using separator: array string.Split(string separator = ' ')
- Array of unique values: array array.Unique()
- Intersection of values of two arrays: array array.Intersection(array value)
- Symmetrical difference between two arrays: array array.Difference(array value)
Composite Method Functions
- Append buffer, string or array: buffer|string|array buffer|string|array.Append(buffer|string|array ...values)
- Length of buffer, string, array or object: number buffer|string|array|object.Length()
- New buffer, string or array slice: buffer|string|array buffer|string|array.Slice(number? beginIndex, number? endIndex)
- Byte at position: buffer buffer.Byte(number pos)
- Character at position: string string.Char(number pos)
- Character code at position: number string.CharCode(number pos)
- Find first item satisfying condition: ?? array.First(function condition)
- Find last item satisfying condition: ?? array.Last(function condition)
- Find first index of item satisfying condition: number array.FirstIndex(function condition)
- Find last index of item satisfying condition: number array.LastIndex(function condition)
- Array or object key-value pairs: array? array?|object?.Entries()
- Array or object keys: array? array?|object?.Keys()
- Array or object values: array? array?|object?.Values()
- Array or object value at index: ?? array?|object?.At(number|string index)
- New array with reverse order of items: array array.Reverse()
- New array flattened to specified depth: array array.Flatten(number depth)
- Transform items: array array.Transform(function transformation)
- Filter items: array array.Filter(function condition)
- Reduce array to a single value: ?? array.Reduce(function reducer)
- Object composition from array of keys with generator function: object array.Compose(function generator)
Math Method Functions
- Arithmetic addition: number number.Add(number ...values)
- Arithmetic subtraction: number number.Subtract(number subtrahend)
- Arithmetic negation: number number.Negate()
- Arithmetic multiplication: number number.Multiply(number ...values)
- Arithmetic division: number number.Divide(number divisor)
- Arithmetic remainder: number number.Remainder(number divisor)
- Arithmetic modulo: number number.Modulo(number divisor)
- Exponent: number number.Exponent()
- Logarithm: number number.Logarithm()
- Power: number number.Power(number exponent)
- Root: number number.Root(number index)
- Absolute value: number number.Abs()
- Ceil: number number.Ceil()
- Floor: number number.Floor()
- Rounded value: number number.Round()
Mutation Method Functions
- Get UTC time array from milliseconds since 1970: array number.ToUniversalTime()
- Get milliseconds since 1970 from UTC time array: number array.FromUniversalTime()
- Get local time array from milliseconds since 1970: array number.ToLocalTime()
- Get milliseconds since 1970 from local time array: number array.FromLocalTime()
- Get UTC time month index from milliseconds since 1970: array number.ToUniversalTimeMonthIndex()
- Get local time month index from milliseconds since 1970: array number.ToLocalTimeMonthIndex()
- Get UTC time weekday index from milliseconds since 1970: array number.ToUniversalTimeWeekdayIndex()
- Get local time weekday index from milliseconds since 1970: array number.ToLocalTimeWeekdayIndex()
- Get ISO time string from milliseconds since 1970: string number.ToTimeString()
- Get milliseconds since 1970 from ISO time string: number string.FromTimeString()
- Encode number: buffer number.ToNumberBuffer(string encoding)
- Decode number: number buffer.FromNumberBuffer(string encoding, number? offset)
- Encode string: buffer string.ToStringBuffer(string encoding)
- Decode string: string buffer.FromStringBuffer(string? encoding, number? offset, number? length)
- Create decimal string from number: string number.ToNumberString()
- Parse number from decimal string: buffer string.FromNumberString()
- Create hexadecimal string from buffer: string buffer.ToBufferString()
- Parse buffer from hexadecimal string: buffer string.FromBufferString()
- Parse object from JSON-formatted string: boolean?|number?|string?|array?|object? string?.FromJsonString()
- Create JSON-formatted string from object: string? boolean?|number?|string?|array?|object?.ToJsonString()
- Not-a-number NAN
- Positive infinity POSINF
- Negative infinity NEGINF
- Epsilon EPSILON
- Pi PI
The expression parsing is performed using the following grammar:
<program> = <unit>{ ","<unit> }
<unit> = <cycle>
<cycle> = <switch>{ "@" <switch> }
<switch> = <disjunction>{ "$" <unit> ":" <unit> }
<disjunction> = <conjunction>{ "|"<conjunction> }
<conjunction> = <comparison>{ "&"<comparison> }
<comparison> = { "!" }<aggregate>{ ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "==" | "!=" )<aggregate> }
<aggregate> = <product>{ ( "+>" | "+" | "-" )<product> }
<product> = <factor>{ ( "*" | "/" | "%" )<factor> }
<factor> = { "-" }<coalescence>{ "^"<coalescence> }
<coalescence> = <accessor>{ "?:"<accessor> }
<accessor> = <term>{ ( "." ( <property> | <function-name-string> ) | "("{ <unit> }{ ","<unit> }")" | "["<unit>"]" ) }
<term> = <literal> | <constant-name-string> | <function-name-string> | <variable> | <subroutine> |
"{"<program>"}" | "("<unit>")" | <array> | <object>
<literal> = <decimal-number> | #<hexadecimal-number> | ##<hexadecimal-binary> | "'"<text-string>"'"
<array> = "["{ <unit> }{ ","<unit> }"]"
<object> = "["{ <unit>:<unit> }{ "," <unit>:<unit> }"]"
<variable> = { <type> } <variable-name-string>{ "="<unit> }
<subroutine> = { <type>"("{ <type> <argument-name-string> }{ ","<type> <argument-name-string> }")" } "->" <unit>
<type> = ( "void" | "boolean" | "number" | "buffer" | "string" | "array" | "object" | "function" ){ "?" } | "??"
Create instance of Expression class with a string containing expression and optional compilation configuration. During the parsing any alphanumeric sequence not identified as number value, string value, operator, or a function name is assumed to be variable. Evaluate the expression by providing variable values.
Sample code:
const expr = new Expression( 'x * (y + abc / 5) > 10' );
const value1 = expr.evaluate( { x: 10, y: 20, abc: 10 } ); // true
const value2 = expr.evaluate( { x: 1, y: 4, abc: 5 } ); // false
const arrExpr = new Expression( 'Sum([ 1, 2, 3, a, b, c ])' );
const valueSum = arrExpr.evaluate( { a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 } ); // 66
const objExpr = new Expression( '[`prop1`:a,`prop2`:`abc`].prop1+10' );
const oValue = objExpr.evaluate( { a: 50 } ); // 60
const iteratorExpr = new Expression(
'arr1.Transform(number(number a)->a*2).Filter(boolean(number a)->a>3).Sum()'
const iValue = iteratorExpr.evaluate( { arr1: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ); // 10
const complexExpr = new Expression(
'?? a=myvar1/10, ?? b=myvar2-100, a/b + b*a + 600'
const value = complexExpr.evaluate( { myvar1: 40, myvar2: 104 } ); // 4761