Email sending plugin for Expresser.
Expresser Mailer
Before you start make sure you have set the main SMTP server details on settings.mailer.smtp
and settings.mailer.from
with a default "from" email address. An optional secondary can be also set on settings.mailer.smtp2
, and will be used only in case the main server fails.
The template handler expects a base template called "base.html", with a keyword "{contents}" where the email contents should go.
is true, the Mailer module will automatically figure out the SMTP details for the following email services: Mailgun, Mandrill, SendGrid.
Sample code
The example below shows how to load the "login.html" template, parse and update the keywords {user} and {registrationDate} with igor and with the current date, and send a login confirmation email. The "from" address will be the default "from" address set on the settings.
var expresser = require("expresser");
var template = expresser.mailer.getTemplate("login");
var keywords = {username: "igor", registrationDate: new Date()}
var loginMessage = expresser.mailer.parseTemplate(template, keywords);
// getting the template manually to set the email body:
expresser.mailer.send({body: loginMessage, subject: "Login confirmation", to: "[email protected]"});
// alternate method to use templates directly via options:
expresser.mailer.send({keywords: keywords, template: "login", subject: "Login confirmation", to: "[email protected]"});
Please note that you can also use a different SMTP transport server if needed, by creating your own SMTP transport object using the "createSmtp" helper. It accepts the same options as the ones set under settings.mailer.smtp. Example below:
var customSmtp = expresser.mailer.createSmtp({
host: "",
port: "587"
expresser.mailer.send({subject: "Login confirmation", to: "[email protected]", smtp: customSmtp});
The Mailer module is a wrapper around Nodemailer, so some of its features can be used directly. The default SMTP transport objects are exposed as "smtp" and "smtp2". More info at [].
For detailed info on specific features, check the annotated source on /docs folder.