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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

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© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Express middleware tile cache for tms services





Express-tile-cache is a tile cacher for TMS services.

It will register a standard 1.0.0 TMS endpoint and will fetch tiles from others servers, cache them, and then serve those tiles from the cache.

By default it will cache tiles to filesystem and mantain an in memory index/cache of requests, but both internal Cache index and TileStorage can be easily extended to meet your needs. There are currently 2 extensions, s3-tile-storage and redis-tile-store.

The builtin default Cache and TileStorage are meant for debugging and test purposes, not for production.


express-tile-cache returns a express.Router() with two TMS specification standard routes adjusted to work with Geoserver TMS service.

var tilecache = require("express-tile-cache");

Default routes

Express-tile-cache implements two default routes:


And as it returns an express.Router() instance you can hook it on your custom route:

app.use("/mytiles", tilecache(options));
app.use("/moretiles", tilecache(options));


npm install express-tile-cache --save


Express-tile-cache uses a simple object to configure where the source TMS is. This object only needs to specify an URL and a cache path (to store tiles).

var express = require("express"),
  tilecache = require("express-tile-cache"),
  app = express();

var ignTileSource = {
  urlTemplate: "",
  cachepath: "cache"



Options is a simple javascript object. Requirements and defaults:

  • urlTemplate {String}: the TMS service url you'll be requesting tiles from. It can handle multiple hosts. ie: http://{s} This type of template requires you to configure a subdomains property on the tile source object.
  • subdomains {Array|String}: optional - an array of strings or string to replace in the urlTemplate. ie: ["tiles1","tiles2"].
  • cachepath {String}: a directory where tiles will be stored and served from. This is internally handled by express-tile-cache. It defaults to cache and it will be created if it doesn't exist. This parameter becomes obsolete in the presence of a custom storage parameter.
  • forceEpsg {Number/String}: optional - if specified, express-tile-cache will append this EPSG code to requests made to the TMS service. This should be an integer or a String representing an integer, ie: "3857"
  • forceNamespace {String}: optional - layer names are usually simple strings, Geoserver accepts layers to be served under namespaces. Setting this option makes express-tile-cache to construct layer names with this namespace appended.
  • storage {Storage class instance}: optional - shall you need to store tiles differently you can pass your own class/instance here. Read the express-tile-cache.TileStorage section on how to extend the storage module. Setting this option overrides cachepath.
  • store {Store class instance}: optional - if you want to provide a different class of memory cache you can pass it here. Read the express-tile-cache.Cache section on how to extend the store module.
  • ttl {Number}: optional, since v1.3.0 - seconds to keep cache valid for each tile. When you set this value MemoryCache.setTtl is called internally upon instantiation, but you won't be able to change it on the fly.
  • enableInfo {Boolean}: sets up the same default GET routes with the /info suffix to check on the tile cache data. Result is JSON. Ex: /tms/1.0.0/layer/4/5/6.png/info
  • clearRoute {String}: optional - if true it will enable a default /clearcache route to clear the cache index. Use a string starting with a / to enable and set custom clear route. Heads up!: the route is configured without any security and responds to a simple GET request. Also, the store being used has to implement a clear() method.
  • tilesource {Object}: optional - if the source of the tiles you need to retrieve is not TMS 1.0.0 compliant, you can provide a custom object to retrieve the tiles properly. Setting this option will override/invalidate urlTemplate, subdomains, forceEpsg and forceNamespace with its own.
    • urlTemplate {String|Array}: same as above, but in this case you can provide an array of urls. This option would override subdomains.
    • subdomains {String|Array}: same as above.
    • forceEpsg {Number|String}: same as above.
    • forceNamespace {String}: same as above.
    • getTilePath {Function}: a conversion function. This functions enables you to manage how parameters are transformed to match how your tile source needs to be queried. It will receive a params object which carries the parameters received in the original TMS request:
      • layer {String}: name of the layer or map type
      • x {Number}: the X value for the tile grid
      • y {Number}: the Y value for the tile grid
      • z {Number}: the zoom level
      • format {String}: the image format requested (png, jpg)
      • Read the express-tile-cache.TileSource section to fine tune your own tile source



var tilecache = require("express-tile-cache");

The storage option - Extending express-tile-cache.TileStorage

TileStorage is a small class that handles saving and retrieving tiles.

Shall you need or want to extend this module you can check the source, but it's as simple as implementing two main methods: save and get.

save(stream, filename, callback);

save will receive three arguments and will manage its output via callback:

  • stream {Stream}: to be piped. This usually is a readable stream, and is piped to a filesystem.createWritableStream
  • filename {String}: name of the file to save.
  • callback {Function}: a function that will receive:
    • error {Error or null}:
    • details {Object}: an object holding details of the tile saved. This was mainly prepared to implement AWS S3 storage, so these properties are fully compliant with S3 upload return values.
      • details.Location {String}: where to find the file. In the case of the default TileStorage, which uses the local filesystem, it is a path.
      • details.Key {String}: the filename.
      • details.Bucket {String}: additional information on the path. In the case of filesystem, this value holds the directory where the tile was saved.
      • details.Etag {String}: an Etag to serve the tile with. The default TileStorage uses the express-tile-cache hashed filename.

get receives only one argument and returns a readable stream which is piped to the response

  • filepath {String}: the path to tile to be served

The store option - Extending express-tile-cache.Cache

Cache is the internal index reference express-tile-cache keeps to store key pairs of cached requests.

Shall you need or want to extend this module you can check the source, but here are the main methods you should implement.

set(hash, data)

set receives the hash (key) and a set of properties (usually the return values from the TileStorage).

  • hash {String}: the key to store the data in.
  • data {Object}: JSON object with the tile properties to be stored.

set doesn't return a value and doesn't implement a callback (failure is not an option).

get(hash, [callback])

get retrieves the data associated with a previously set tile hash.

  • hash {String}: the key to retrieve.
  • callback {Function}: the callback executed when the dataset is retrieved. Callback receives these arguments:
    • err {Error}: shall anything bad had happened, usually (happily) empty/null.
    • data {Object}: dataset associated with the tile hash. This dataset is the original data associated with a tile and conforms to:
      • data.Location {String}: where to find the file. In the case of the default TileStorage, which uses the local filesystem, it is a path.
      • data.Key {String}: the filename.
      • data.Bucket {String}: additional information on the path. In the case of filesystem, this value holds the directory where the tile was saved.
      • data.Etag {String}: an Etag to serve the tile with. The default TileStorage uses the express-tile-cache hashed filename.

Particularily MemoryCache get can be called without a callback, thus returnin synchronously the result. This is not NodeJS style and it remains this way in MemoryCache because it is NOT meant for production purposes (an in memory array is not a very good idea, but it is fast to make a test)


delete simply looks for the hash and deletes the member. You should implement this functionality as it will be used for route */clear


As of 1.3.0 the cache can handle expiration for every indexed tile, this is as simple as taking the creation date of the member an compare it with some stored seconds variable (ttl).

setTtl can be called anytime, but it is not exposed as part of the express-tile-cache API, so, provided value is used upon instantiation via ttl option.

If you need to change ttl value in runtime, you can provide and instance of MemoryCache and then play with it:

var express = require('express');

//instance the builtin memorycache
var memoryCache = require("path-to-express-tile-cache/lib/memorycache")();

var tileCache = require("express-tile-cache");

var ignArTiles = tileCache({
  urlTemplate: "",
  cachepath: "cache",
  ttl: 60
  store: memoryCache //use the instance of the default memorycache

var app = express();


//change the ttl
memoryCache.setTtl(10); // sets expiring to 10 seconds

app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
clear(callback) - Optional

Optional method to clear the whole cache. This is not required and is quite easy to do and need while in development with an in memory Array, but it's quite expensive on remotes (Redis, MemCache).

It is used within conditional route /clearcache (route is only defined if the method exists)

clear should handle clearing the whole cache and return the callback. Callback will return without arguments or the error.

  • callback(err) {Function} - err should be null for success or else a {String} with a explaining message.

The tilesource option

Provides a way to override how express-tile-cache makes requests to the original tile source. Besides the usual configuration you can control how TMS parameters are sent to the tile source.

The getTilePath function must return a {String} which is the path to append in the url to request the tile.

An easy way to understand this is with an example:

OpenStreetMaps handles tiles in a non (TMS) standard way. It accomodates to the grid in the same way that Google Maps do: the Y tile grid is inverted. So, a TileSource for OSM would look like:

var osm = {
  tilesource: {
    urlTemplate: 'http://{s}',
    subdomains: ['a','b','c'],
    getTilePath: function(params) {
      var ymax = 1 << params.z;
      var y = ymax - params.y - 1;
      return [params.z, params.x, y + ".png"].join("/");
  cachepath: "./cache"
app.use("/osm", tilecache(osm));

With this configuration you can have your own OSM tile cache.

Check the provided links to see what I'm talking about.

NOTE: this in the getTilePath function refers to the main express-tile-cache class (just in case)


Since 1.2.2 a unit test is implemented with mocha and istanbul. The test unit outputs a coverage report and asserts almost every function on the scripts. To run the unit test:

cd express-tile-cache
npm install
npm test



  • Added enableInfo option to be able to check individual tile cache status
  • Enhanced docs and added an example
  • Changed ttl and MemoryCache.setTtl to use seconds as it is the standard


  • Added ttl support on MemoryCache
  • Performed some linting
  • Removed unused dependencies
  • More testing, implemented Istanbul


  • New option clearRoute to set an automagic route to clear the cache index
  • Removed superagent dependency, added request
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed bad data manipulation
  • Added missing error callback on TMS request
  • Skip cache when TMS request fails (error codes >= 300)


  • Conditional route /clearcache set if the store implements a method clear


  • Moved tile info manipulation into MemoryCache module (stringify and parse are properly handled by MemoryCache)
  • Added ttl option to stablish cache expiring
  • Added MemoryCache.delete to delete specific hash cache
  • Added MemoryCache.setTtl to set an expiring age for cache entries
  • Added route to check tile cache info
  • Added route to clear specific tile cache


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Christian Gastrell <>.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.