Utility to merge locals into a sub app for inclusion in an Express app
Utility to wrap the properties from a master express app into any number of route based sub apps.
Basic usage gives the ability to set up route-based sub applications:
var express = require('express');
var subApp = require('express-subapp')(
function onCreate(app) {
// optionally, set up the main application
function onSubApp(subApp, app) {
// optionally, set up any other application
// make and return an app
var app = subApp.create(express());
// attach paths as normal
app.get('/path', routeHandler);
// name a context root with a required in app.
// module.exports for some-context.js should be an express app
subApp.route('/some-context', require('./routes/some-context.js'));
// alternatively don't set the root in the subApp, do it manually instead
app.use('/context', subApp.route(require('./routes/context.js')));
More commonly, you would use the following properties to name the properties to copy from the main application into the sub apps:
var subApp = require('express-subapp')(onCreate, onSubApp);
// add the names of any keys in the locals of the main application that should be added to the sub apps
subApp.locals.push('some-key', 'another-key');
// add the names of any 'app.get' properties in the main application to be set on the sub apps
subApp.merged.push('some-key', 'another-key');
MIT, use it, play with it, fork it, make pull requests at will.