Super simple search plugin for express, with rich features
install: npm install express-search
A beautifully bootstrapped elasticsearch search middleware for express v4.x.
Allows you to do searches like Pictures of "Cute Puppies"
Or Recipies by @MarthaStewart
For example, if you want searches that MUST contain the phrase "Puppies" and you'd prefer them to be wearing hats:
"Puppies" wearing hats
would return results containing documents that contain "puppies", and try to find documents where the puppies are wearing hats.
If you want to find a person/place you can use mention style tags:
will return documents where hansolo is mentioned
If you want to search only documents with certain tags you can use hash tags in your search:
#music top 10
will return documents with the tag "music, and look for a "top 10" document
You can string them together to make concise yet powerful searches:
#music by @paulsimmon "You Can Call Me Al"
Will try to find documents tagged "music", where "paulsimmon" is mentioned, and the phrase "You Can Call Me Al" is found.
##Setting Up an End Point
Set up is super simple. You just have to:
- Provide connection settings for ElasticSearch.
- Set Index and Type to search.
- Configure pagination(default page size).
- Configure Fields to search
- Fields for general search
- Fields for tag serach
- Fields for mentions
- Fields to return
- Configure default sorting(optional)
- Field to sort by
- Sort order(ascending/descending)
Setup connection settings:
var expressSearch=require('express-search');
var express=require('express');
var app=express();
var config={
//'log':'trace' //handy for debugging
Now you can use the expressSearch object to create multiple routes:
var mySearch={
index: "myIndex",
type: "someType",
tags: ['tags','twitter.tags'], //fields for tag search
mentions: ['authors','editors'], //fields for mention search
fields: ['title','description'], //fields for general search
projection: ['title','description','authors','editors','tags'], //fields to return in results. ['*'] for all fields
pageSize: 10, //default page size
sort: 'desc',
sortBy: 'createDate'
Now to use it:
curl http://localhost/api/search?q=music
You can use the expressSearch object to setup as many search endpoints are you desire.
##Using the end point Express-Search generates a GET end point at whichever route you configure.
There are several parameters you can pass via query string:
- q (String)
- the text to search(including mentions/tags/phrases)
- page(Number)
- page number starting from 0
- pageSize(Number)
- Overwrite default page size
- sort(String)
- Either "asc" or "desc"
- Overwrites default
- sortBy(String)
- Set field to sort by
- Overwrites default
##Batteries Not Included! Express-Search will not index documents for you! You should either index them yourself or use a river plugin. This plugin will not handle configuring a mapping for your documents. This plugin simply handles search.