A pair of route handlers. One of them is supposed to proxy all requests to a given host then save and return the response. The other one is supposed to be able to mock and replay a "session" of responses created by the other one.
A pair of route handlers. One of them is supposed to proxy all requests to a given host then save and return the response. The other one is supposed to be able to mock and replay a "session" of responses created by the other one.
Shared parameters
- baseDirForUrl: The relative location where respoonses should be saved.
- shouldCreateReadableData: If true then responses are saved in a readable format. Sometimes it may reduce performance.
- timeStampExtractor: An object with a modifyPath and a reset function. The modifyPath receives the url's path and can modify it in a way, to be able to handle dynamic parts of the url. A default timeStampHelper is provided aswell which considers the last part of the path as a timestamp and flags responses by their number of receival. The reset gives a chance to reset the counter of the supplied timeStampHelper but in case of an own timeStampHelper it should serve the same function. If left empty then timeStamps are handled normally.
- maxRetries: Defines how many times can requests fail before the server should call the reset. If it isn't supplied then the server never resets the timeStampExtractor.
- remoteUrl: Defines where the requests should be forwarded.
- prevent304: (Default: true) Modifies the header of the request so that the remote resource never answers with 304. There may be many cases where you have to turn it off due to the server not accepting such headers. In this case you must turn off caching in your browser or requester application
Possible usage
One possible usage can be seen in example.js
const record_replay = require('express-save-replay');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
//in case of recording use this (should be handled from args)
app.use('/', record_replay.record({
remoteUrl: "localhost:3000",
baseDirForUrl: "test/mockServer",
shouldCreateReadableData: true,
//in case of replaying use this
app.use('/', record_replay.replay({
baseDirForUrl: "test/mockServer",
shouldCreateReadableData: true,
app.listen(3001, function(){
console.log('App is listening on PORT: 3000');