List all your express routes.
List, log, or render all your express routes and their related file.
Install & Import
npm install express-route-listings
const express = require('express');
const expressRouteListings = require('express-route-listings');
const app = express();
1. Log All Routes
app.listen(3001, '', (e) =>
// log all mounted routes
expressRouteListings.log(app, {
//url: 'http://localhost:8715', // (optional) to include in logging
//output: 'json', // (optional) log route as json
//output: null, // (default) log route as formatted text
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.136Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, 'GET' ] [ null, '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/_:id' ] (/routes/api/bin.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/_:id/*' ] (/routes/api/bin.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.137Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/_*' ] (/routes/api/bin.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/api/bin/_:id' ] (/routes/api/bin.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/api/bin/_:id/*' ] (/routes/api/bin.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, '*' ] [ null, '/api/bin/_*' ] (/routes/api/bin.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'POST' ] [ null, '/api/obs/actions/restart' ] (/routes/api/obs-sub.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'DELETE' ] [ null, '/api/obs/actions/group/wakeup/:pizza' ] (/routes/api/obs-sub-sub.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'GET' ] [ null, '/api/obs' ] (/routes/api/obs.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'GET' ] [ null, '/api/obs/:sceneUuid' ] (/routes/api/obs.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'POST' ] [ null, '/api/obs/resource' ] (/routes/api/obs.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'GET' ] [ null, '/api/litra' ] (/routes/api/litra.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'GET' ] [ null, '/api/litra/:id' ] (/routes/api/litra.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'POST' ] [ null, '/api/litra/dial/:id' ] (/routes/api/litra.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'POST' ] [ null, '/api/litra/toggle/:id' ] (/routes/api/litra.js)
🚥 2024-04-30T02:49:45.138Z [ null, 'GET' ] [ null, '/api/screenshot/cleanup' ] (/routes/api/screenshot.js)
2. Live Logger
Will log each request and it's matching route details.
//url: 'http://localhost:8715', // (optional) to include in logging
//output: 'json', // (optional) log route as json
//output: null, // (default) log route as formatted text
//pathPrefix: '', // (optional) prepend url/chars to an incoming path
//routePrefix: 'http://localhost:8715', // (optional) prepend url/chars to an incoming path
✅ 2024-04-30T02:49:48.687Z [ 'GET', 'GET' ] [ '/api/obs', '/api/obs' ] (/routes/api/obs.js)
❌ 2024-04-30T02:50:11.581Z [ 'GET', null ] [ '/api/obsd', null ] ()
✅ 2024-04-30T02:50:24.593Z [ 'GET', 'GET' ] [ '/api/litra/23424234234', '/api/litra/:id' ] (/routes/api/litra.js)
✅ 2024-04-30T02:55:00.653Z [ 'GET', 'GET' ] [ '/', '/' ] (/routes/index.js)
3. Web Service
Enable the built-in web service.
- Return your routes as an array over HTTP.
app.get('/what/ever/route', expressRouteListings.web({
//include: [ 'name', 'regexp', 'route', 'file', 'methods', 'code' ], // (default) include only certain key-value pairs
//exclude: [ 'code' ], // (optional) do not include certain key-value pairs
"name": "query",
"regexp": "/",
"route": "/",
"methods": [ "*" ],
"code": "function query(req, res, next){\n...",
"file": "/routes/index.js"
4. Array of Routes
const routes = expressRouteListings.list(app, {
exclude: [ 'code' ], // (optional) do not include certain key-value pairs
include: [ 'name', 'regexp', 'route', 'file', 'methods', 'code' ], // (optional) include only certain key-value pairs
name: 'query',
regexp: '/',
route: '/',
methods: [ '*' ],
code: 'function query(req, res, next){\n...'
file: '/routes/index.js'
name: 'expressInit',
regexp: '/',
route: '/',
methods: [ '*' ],
code: 'function expressInit...',
file: '/routes/index.js'
name: 'bound dispatch',
regexp: '/api/obs/resource',
route: '/api/obs/resource',
methods: [ 'POST' ],
code: 'async function(req, res)...',
file: '/routes/api/obs.js'
- 🚥 - Log existing route
- ✅ - Live log on HTTP request successfully matched to a route
- ❌ - Live log on HTTP request failed to match to a route
Log Syntax
🚥 <reqTimestamp> [ '<reqMethod>', '<routeMethod>' ] [ '<reqPath>', '<routeRoute>' ] (<routeFile>)
✅ 2024-04-30T02:50:24.593Z [ 'GET', 'GET' ] [ '/api/litra/23424234234', '/api/litra/:id' ] (/routes/api/litra.js)
- reqTimestamp: The timestamp of when the item was logged.
- reqMethod: The method of an incoming HTTP request.
- routeMethod: The route method that matched an incoming HTTP reqMethod.
- reqPath: The path of an incoming HTTP request.
- routeRoute: The route that matched an incoming HTTP reqPath.
- routeFile: The file that contains the matched route.