Session store for people who want to use MongoDB sessions, and already have a MongooseJS connection for their backend.
##Express Mongoose Store express-mongoose is a MongoDB session store backed by MongooseJS. It differs from other MongoDB session stores because it accepts a current Mongoose connection, so you don't have to configure separate connection for your session store if you are already using Mongoose for your backend. It is meant to give a MongoDB session store with minimal config.
###express-mongoose only supports express > 4.0.0
$ npm install express-mongoose-store
- how long a session should last from last page view. Defaults to 1 day.
- how long a session will be cached in memory
var session = require('express-session');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var MS = require('express-mongoose-store')(session, mongoose);
app.use(session({ secret: 'keyboard cat', store: new MS({ttl: 600000}) }); //10 minute sessions
###Custom Model Name By default the model name used for storing sessions is "sessions", however, you can customize this by passing a modelName argument to the store like so:
app.use(session({ secret: 'keyboard cat', store: new MS({modelName: 'myApp_sessions' ttl: 600000}) });
Or if you want the session store to keep your Mongoose connection alive as well you can do the following:
var session = require('express-session');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var MS = require('express-mongoose-store')(session, mongoose);
var mongoose_store = new MS();
}, 20000);
app.use(session({ secret: 'keyboard cat', store: mongoose_store });
Essentially if your server has a lull in activity this protects your mongoose connection from timing out and having to reconnect, which in express can cause you to throw an error to a user.
###Test Running tests requires a MongoDB instance running on with no authentication. It will also delete anything in a database called "test" in the collection called "sessions" so if that is not desired, you need to modify the tests or not run them.
npm install
npm test
###Change Log
#####v1.0.6 - Add memory caching to limit number of database queries
#####v1.0.5 - Fix for destroy callback
#####v1.0.4 - Bug fix
#####v1.0.3 - Session expiration with MongoDB expires via @rubenstolk
#####v1.0.2 - Configurable Model Name for Session via @rubenstolk