An Express project generator with command-line interface that is easy to use
An Express project generator with Rails like command-line interface that is easy to use. To get started:
$ npm install express-generate -g
$ express-generate new <project-name>
$ *waiting intensifies*
$ cd <project-name>
$ npm start
Your Express project will be ready within 1 minute of installing. You will have access to
- SQLite with Sequelize ORM support
- View engine of your choice when initializing project
Table of Contents
Install CLI
$ npm install express-generate -g
express-generate CLI
express-generate new <Project Name> Create a new Express project with Project Name
express-generate generate controller <Controller Name> [Actions...] Create a new controller with the defined actions
express-generate generate model <field-name>:<data-type> Create a new model with the predefined fields
express-generate db:migrate Running migrations for database
--version Show version number
--help Show help
Create a simple project and run it
- Creating a project named Test
$ express-generate new Test
- Start Express server
$ cd Test
$ npm start
Create a simple User controller with 2 nested action: getUser and postUser
- Inside the project folder, type:
$ express-generate generate controller User getUser postUser
$ npm start
This should generate User.js under ./controller and ./routes folders.
- Go to your browser. Try:
Your URL enpoint should be there.
Create simple User model with 2 fields: username, password
- Inside the project folder, type:
$ express-generate generate model User username:string password:string
$ express-generate db:migrate
This should generate User.js under ./model folder.
- To use User model, your javascript code must require the index.js file in the model folder.
We use it to import the model. For example.
var db = require('../models/index');
var User = db.sequelize.import('../models/user.js');
// -- Inserting User into database
// username: 'John',
// password: 'Doe'
// -- Find all users having the condition
// User.findAll({
// where: {
// username: 'John',
// password: 'Doe'
// }
// });
Disclaimer: We use Sequelize CLI behind the scene to support ORM. If you want to use Sequelize CLI instead of using ours CLI, you are welcome to do so.
Type "sequelize --help" to get more information