Dependency Injection for Express
Dependency Injection for Express
npm install --save express-dependencies
Usage: register and injection components
var express = require('express');
var deps = require('express-dependencies')();
var app = express();
// The first argument is request (req) or resolvers (with or without a request), for example: Transient({ foo, singleton, req }, id) {
function Transient(req, id) { = id; = 'I am a transient component with id ' + id;
// You can use the class declaration instead of the function
class Singleton {
constructor() { = 'I am a singleton component';
// Set middleware for injection
app.use(deps.setup(container => {
container.instance('Foo', { foo: 'bar' });
container.singletonFactory('SingletonFactory', ({ req, foo }) => {
const result = {
ip: req.ip,
path: req.path,
foo: foo()
return result;
container.transientFactory('TransientFactory', ({ transient }) => {
const result = {
transient: transient(0)
return result;
app.get('/:id', function({ req, foo, singleton, transient, singletonFactory, transientFactory }, res, next) {
const model = {
foo: foo(), // Resolve a foo component instance
singleton: singleton(), // Resolve a singleton component instance
transient: transient(, // Resolve an instance of transient component with id
singletonF: singletonFactory(), // Resolve an instance of singleton component created using a factory
transientF: transientFactory() // Resolve an instance of transient component created using a factory
The result of request to the local service http://localhost:3000/123
"name":"I am a singleton component"
"name":"I am a transient component with id 123"
"name":"I am a transient component with id 0"
Scoped Lifestyle
For every request within a defined scope, a single instance of the component will be returned and that instance will be disposed when the scope ends.
You can declare such dependencies using the transientScoped and transientScopedFactory functions.
app.use(deps.setup(container => {
container.transientScoped(Transient); // enable scoped lifestyle
In version <= 1.0.4, lifestyle scoped is enabled using the isScoped argument in the transient and transientFactory functions. The argument isScoped is not supported in versions >= 1.0.4.
Resolve instances without injection
If you need to get an instance without injections, you can use the Resolve function. The Resolve function accepts the name of the instance as argument, as well as a possible set of additional arguments to the instance constructor.
var deps = require('express-dependencies')();
const resolver = deps.getResolver('sample');
const sampleInstance = resolver();
var deps = require('express-dependencies')();
const sampleInstance = deps.resolve('sample');
The deps can be used as a service locator.
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