Express route decorators
This library is based on several similar libraries available on npm, most notably route-decorators. The main difference with this library is that it makes use of Express' detached router capabilities. In other words, this library configures Express routes like this:
import express = require('express');
import { Router } from 'express';
let app:express.Application = express();
// Tell Express to use the specified mountpath
// This would map to a controller which handles all requests to the specified mountpath
app.use('/mountpath/:mountPathParam', routerFunction);
// Attach specific controller actions to endpoints of the above mountpath
function routerFunction():Router
let router:Router = Router({ mergeParams: true });
router.get('/endpointPath', controller.Action);
return router;
The benefit of the above route configuration is that, if you depend on Express' req.originalUrl
, req.baseUrl
, req.path
, etc, those values
will be attached to your routes as expected. Additionally, the user can choose whether to merge mountpath parameters with endpoint parameters.
E.g., in the above example, in a controller action that handled GET
requests to the endpoint /:endpointParam
, that controller method would have
access to both req.params.mountPathParam
and req.params.endpointParam
$ npm install --save express-decorate
import { ExpressDecorate, IExpressDecorateOptions } from 'express-decorate'
import express = require('express');
let APP = express();
const OPTS:IExpressDecorateOptions = {
ctrlDir: `${__dirname}/api`, // Required
extension: 'js', // Optional - defaults to 'js'
ctrlLoadRecursive: true, // Optional - defaults to true - set to false if there are no subdirectories in your controllers directory
ctrlIgnore: 'IgnoreThisController', // Optional - NOT TESTED - @type {string|RegExp}
mergeParams: true, // Optional - defaults to true - access params used in @Controller in Express's req.params object
routeConfig: null, // Optional - defaults to null - Any error handling or routes not included in your API
debug: true, // Optional - defaults to false - Show stack trace on caught exceptions
alternateMethod: 'websocket' // Optional - Useful if using a library that alters Express' router, (such as express-ws-routes for handling websocket requests)
new ExpressDecorate(APP, OPTS);
import { Controller, GET, ALT } from 'express-decorate'
export class ApiController
public async Get(req, res, next)
return res.json({ success: true, controllerNameParam:, testParam: req.params.testParam });
public async WebSocketRequest(info:any, cb:Function, next:NextFunction)
console.log(`ws req from ${info.req.originalUrl || info.req.url} using origin ${info.origin}`);
This is my first attempt at any open source library and I welcome pull requests that conform stylistically to existing code and are covered adequately with unit tests.
####Install dependencies
npm install && typings install
gulp build
Test a specific file: gulp test --file SpecToTest
(don't include path or extension)
Run all specs: gulp test
(this command also runs gulp build