adds user frontend with login-, registration-, and webhook- features to your (express) application. Startingpoint for DIY api management
DEPRECATED by expressa
Middleware for quickly building login systems on top of apis/express apps. This module adds a user facade-backend with login / registration on top of that. Good startingpoint for DIY api management, processable thru webhooks, themable using custom js/css/jade templates.
WARNING: BETA, not production ready
login (basic theme)
logged in
form generation using jsonschema
npm install -g coffeescript
npm install jade [email protected]
npm install express-api-user-management-signup
var app, cfg, express, http, port, usermanagement, webhookhost, webhookport;
express = require('express');
http = require('http');
usermanagement = require('express-api-user-management-signup');
app = express();
port = process.env.PORT || 3010;
webhookport = process.env.WEBHOOK_HOST || port;
webhookhost = process.env.WEBHOOK_HOST || '';
cfg = {
webhook: {
url: 'http://' + webhookhost + ':' + webhookport,
requestdata: {
headers: {
'x-some-token': 'l1kj2k323'
mongo: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
name: 'foo'
layout: {
theme: __dirname + '/app/public.account', // define your own
// theme: __dirname + '/app/public.basic', // templates
title: {
brand: 'Projectname',
welcome: 'Please login to your account'
menu: {
'Apidoc': {
target: '_blank',
url: '/api/v1/doc'
'---': '---',
'Contact': {
target: '_blank',
url: 'mailto:[email protected]'
formurl: '/js/form.json'
app.set('port', port);
app.use(usermanagement(app, express, cfg));
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function() {
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
Define your own templates for easy integration with your js/css/html framework:
cp -R node_modules/express-api-user-management-signup/app/public.basic mytheme
and in the config define
layout: {
theme: __dirname + '/mytheme'
- coffeescript yay!
- New User Account Creation
- Secure Password Reset via Email
- Ability to Update / Delete Account
- Session Tracking for Logged-In Users
- Local Cookie Storage for Returning Users
- Blowfish-based Scheme Password Encryption
- end-user webhooks
- optional internal webhooks for flexibilitystorage (to integrate with api proxy like apiaxle or emailgateway e.g.)
- logging of db actions
- apikey support + regeneration of apikey
- works standalone and as express drop-in lib (the latter needs improvement eg. app.use)
- flexible form using (optionally remote) jsonschema
- optional google analytics by passing environment variable GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN=LK-2342LK
Extend forms easily
By using jsonform, we can easily extend the form without having to fiddle with database code. Just have a look at :
HINT: you can change the 'formurl'-parameter of 'app.[js,coffee]' (or the json above) into a remote url in order to remotely manage the form
The following webhooks are fired whenever these things occur:
- configuredhost + /add when user adds account
- configuredhost + /update when user updates account
- configuredhost + /update/pass when user changes password
- configuredhost + /update/apikey when user regenerates apikey
- configuredhost + /login when user logs in
- configuredhost + /reset/pass when user resets password
Where configuredhost is defined by you in the config ('' e.g.) These webhooks can be reacted upon by other middle/software in order to send emails or update api proxy settings e.g.
- tests
- responsive ui (for smartphone etc)
- url validation for webhook url in jsonschema
- smaller fonts jsonform validation error tooltips (to match the layout)
Built with
- Node.js - Application Server
- Express.js - Node.js Web Framework
- MongoDb - Database Storage
- Jade - HTML Templating Engine
- Stylus - CSS Preprocessor
- EmailJS - Node.js > SMTP Server Middleware
- Moment.js - Lightweight Date Library
- Twitter Bootstrap - UI Component & Layout Library
- jsonform
- underscore