VAS is a library that enables a third-party application running on a POS terminal to call ArkePay in order to perform a transaction. The third-party application initiates the transaction, control is transferred to ArkePay application, the user performs th
VAS is a library that enables a third-party application running on a POS terminal to call ArkePay in order to perform a transaction. The third-party application initiates the transaction, control is transferred to ArkePay application, the user performs the transaction (presenting the card, entering PIN where appropriate etc.) and finally the transaction is finalized (Approved or rejected). The transaction result is returned to the calling application and control is transferred back there.
Installation in managed Expo projects
For managed Expo projects, please follow the installation instructions below.
Installation in bare React Native projects
For bare React Native projects, you must ensure that you have installed and configured the expo
package before continuing.
Add the package to your npm dependencies
npm install expo-vas-lib
Configure for Android
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