Boilerplate for an expo react-native project
Expo React Native Project Generator
📦 Introduction
This NPM package provides a streamlined solution for creating Expo React Native projects. It comes pre-configured with a thoughtfully selected suite of tools and libraries, designed to enhance your development workflow and boost productivity.
🚀 Features
- 🔷 TypeScript: Strongly typed JavaScript for better code quality.
- 🎨 TailwindCSS via TWRNC: Utility-first CSS framework for fast UI development.
- 🧭 React Navigation: Easy navigation solutions for your apps.
- 🎬 React Native Reanimated: Powerful animations for smooth user experiences.
- 🖼️ React Native SVG: SVG support for your React Native projects.
- 🗃️ Zustand and Jotai: State management libraries for simpler state handling.
- 🔄 React Query: Data fetching and state synchronization for server-state.
- 🛡️ Zod: TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
- 📝 React Hook Forms: Performant, flexible, and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.
- 🚀 Fastlane Support (Coming soon): Automate building and publishing your apps to Firebase App Distribution and TestFlight.