A native module to make tha comunication between a RasberriPy Board and an Android Application
ExpoMicroIde is a npm module that provides a set of functions for interacting with microcontroller boards in Expo projects. It allows you to initialize connections, manage files, and perform various operations on the connected device.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
ExpoMicroIde is designed to work with Expo projects and provides a bridge between your React Native application and microcontroller boards. It offers functions for file management, device initialization, and basic operations.
To install ExpoMicroIde in your Expo project, run the following command:
npm install expo-micro-ide
or if you're using yarn:
yarn add expo-micro-ide
How it Works
ExpoMicroIde uses a native module (ExpoMicroIdeModule) to communicate with the microcontroller board. It provides a JavaScript interface to interact with the native functionality. The module handles USB device detection, file operations, and data transfer between your Expo app and the connected board.
API Reference
interface MicroFile {
name: string;
path: string;
isFile: boolean;
size?: number;
initialize(): Promise<string | Error>
- Initializes the connection with the microcontroller board.
- Returns a promise that resolves to a success message or rejects with an error.
files.list(): Promise<string | Error>
- Lists all files on the connected device.
- Returns a promise that resolves to a success message or rejects with an error.
hello(): string
- A simple function that returns a greeting message.
- Returns: "Hello world Kotlin + Expo Modules! 👋"
files.create(name: string): Promise<string | Error>
- Creates a new file with the given name.
- Parameters:
: The name of the file to create.
- Returns a promise that resolves to a success message or rejects with an error.
files.remove(fileName: string): Promise<string | Error>
- Deletes the specified file.
- Parameters:
: The name of the file to delete.
- Returns a promise that resolves to a success message or rejects with an error.
files.rename(oldName: string, newName: string): Promise<string | Error>
- Renames a file.
- Parameters:
: The current name of the file.newName
: The new name for the file.
- Returns a promise that resolves to a success message or rejects with an error.
files.read(path: string): Promise<string | Error>
- Reads the content of a file.
- Parameters:
: The path of the file to read.
- Returns a promise that resolves to the file content or rejects with an error.
files.write(path: string, content: string): Promise<string | Error>
- Writes content to a file.
- Parameters:
: The path of the file to write to.content
: The content to write to the file.
- Returns a promise that resolves to a success message or rejects with an error.
Usage Examples
Here's an example of how to use ExpoMicroIde in your Expo project:
import * as ExpoMicroIde from "expo-micro-ide";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button, StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, View } from "react-native";
export default function App() {
const [status, setStatus] = useState("");
const [fileName, setFileName] = useState("");
const [content, setContent] = useState("");
async function connect() {
try {
const res = await ExpoMicroIde.initialize();
setStatus(res as string);
} catch (error) {
setStatus(`Error connecting: \${error.message}`);
async function listFiles() {
try {
const res = await ExpoMicroIde.files.list();
setStatus(`Files: \${res}`);
} catch (error) {
setStatus(`Error listing files: \${error.message}`);
async function createFile() {
if (!fileName) {
setStatus("File name is required");
try {
await ExpoMicroIde.files.create(fileName);
setStatus(`File '\${fileName}' created`);
} catch (error) {
setStatus(`Error creating file: \${error.message}`);
async function readFile() {
if (!fileName) {
setStatus("File name is required for reading");
try {
const content = await ExpoMicroIde.files.read(fileName);
setContent(content as string);
setStatus(`Content of '\${fileName}': \${content}`);
} catch (error) {
setStatus(`Error reading file: \${error.message}`);
async function writeFile() {
if (!fileName) {
setStatus("File name is required for writing");
try {
await ExpoMicroIde.files.write(fileName, content);
setStatus(`Content written to '\${fileName}'`);
} catch (error) {
setStatus(`Error writing to file: \${error.message}`);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text>Status: {status}</Text>
<Button title="Connect" onPress={connect} />
<Button title="List Files" onPress={listFiles} />
placeholder="File name"
placeholder="File content"
<Button title="Create File" onPress={createFile} />
<Button title="Read File" onPress={readFile} />
<Button title="Write to File" onPress={writeFile} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
This example demonstrates how to use the main functions of ExpoMicroIde, including connecting to a device, listing files, creating, reading, and writing files.
Remember to handle errors appropriately in your application, as shown in the example above.