Library for handling data caching for React Native with expo-cache-manager
Library for handling data caching for React Native with expo-file-system.
The logic of work is based on a bunch: Manager-Entry. Where manager is an abstraction over a directory within a filesystem, and entry is a file instance within that directory.
Distinctive features:
- Quick start and flexible setting;
- Support file expiration;
- Support download progress;
- Image component based on expo-image library
- Many supported image formants
- BlurHash support
- A lot of action functions for manipulating the file and the cache in general;
- Ready-made basic components;
- Possibility of scaling.
This library contains the following:
- React provider to initialize cache managers;
- Ready-made React Native components for ease of development;
- React hooks for quick integration into functional components;
- Manager classes and entries for own cache system;
- Utility class with useful functions.
This library is suitable for both small projects and large ones that require their own implementation of the cache.
Managed workflow
Basic dependencies
npx expo install expo-file-system expo-cache-manager
Additional dependencies
If you plan to use image or progress indicator components, then you need to install additional dependencies
npx expo install expo-image react-native-svg
Bare workflow
Basic dependencies
yarn add expo-file-system expo-cache-manager
# or
npm i expo-file-system expo-cache-manager
Follow the instructions to install expo-file-system package.
Additional dependencies
If you plan to use image or progress indicator components, then you need to install additional dependencies
yarn add react-native-svg expo-image
# or
npm i react-native-svg expo-image
Follow the instructions to install expo-image package. Follow the instructions to install react-native-svg package.
Quick start
import { CacheManagerProvider, CachingImage } from 'expo-cache-manager'
export default function App() {
return (
name: 'images',
entryExpiresIn: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 // 1 month (in seconds)
{ name: 'videos' }, // without expire prop (-1 default)
'other' // short naming (-1 default)
style={{ width: '100%', height: 300 }}
// placeholder="LEHV6nWB2yk8pyo0adR*.7kCMdnj" // blurhash support
// disabledActions=['pause', 'resume', 'download'] // default []
// automatic // automatically start download. Default = true
// indicator={false} // hide progress indicator
// onProgress={(v) => console.log(`${v}%`)}
// headers={{
// Authorization: `${token_type} ${access_token}`
// }}
// ...and many others options
Cache expiration rules for entries (entryExpiresIn
(default) - the cache is forever0
- the cache is automatically reset on the next render{seconds}
- reset the cache after a certain number of seconds, after loading the file (when updating the render)
Future list
- [ ] SQLite support with queries
- [ ] Advanced example
- [x] More detailed documentation
- [x] Add expire support
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.