store expeditious cache entries using process memory
An in memory engine for expeditious. Cache entries are - you guessed it - stored in the node.js process memory. This cache engine will lose everything stored if your process restarts, and could lead to memory bloat and slow garbage collections if you're not careful with the size and volume of entries!
You can use this module standalone or with expeditious which is the recommended approach since it simplifies interactions and allows you to easily switch cache engines.
var expeditious = require('expeditious');
var countries = expeditious({
// Use the expeditious memory engine
engine: require('expeditious-engine-memory')(),
// Prefix all entries with 'countries'
namespace: 'countries',
// Auto parse json entries
objectMode: true,
// 1 hour timeout for entries
defaultTtl: (60 * 1000 * 60),
key: 'ireland',
value: {
population: '4.595 million',
capital: 'Dublin'
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
console.error('failed to add "ireland" to the cache');
} else {
console.log('add "ireland" to the cache');
Each API function takes a callback function as the last parameter and it receives up to two arguments as per node.js convention, error err and an optional result, res.
set(key, value, expire, callback)
Set a key (String) in the cache with a given (String) value. expire must be a Number greater than 0.
get(key, callback)
Get a specific item from the cache. Returns null if the entry is not found.
del(key, callback)
Delete a specific item from the cache. Callback receives only an error parameter.
List all keys that this engine instance contains.
ttl(key, callback)
Get the time left before key expires. Returns null as res if the entry is not found.
Flush all items from the engine instance.