Plugin for creating and managing collapsible content areas like F.A.Q's and dropdowns
A plugin for creating and managing collapsible content areas like F.A.Qs.
Table of contents
- Installation
- Examples
- Public Methods
- Expandables - Class
- .collapseAll()
- .expandAll()
- .getExpandable()
- .getExpandables()
- .destroyExpandables()
- .registerExpandable()
- Expandable - Instance
- .toggle()
- .collapse()
- .expand()
- .isExpanded()
- InitExpandables()
- Expandables - Class
- HTML Attributes
- Body Attributes
- Containers
- Groups
- Triggers
- Target
- Options
You can use NPM to download package into your project
npm install expandables-js
OR you can import the module directly in your project with ES6 Modules
<script type="module">
import { Expandables, initExpandables } from './expandables-js/expandables.js';
Basic Usage
See '/demo/basic-usage.html' in repo for complete example
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./expandables-js/expandables.css">
<div data-expandable-container="collapsed">
<button data-expandable-trigger>></button>
<p>Uncollapsed content here</p>
<div data-expandable-target>
<p>Hidden content here</p>
<script type="module">
// ES6 Module Import
import {Expandables, initExpandables} from '/expandables-js/expandables.js';
// Initialize Plugin
Accordion Group
See '/demo/accordion-group.html' in repo for complete example
<div data-expandable-group>
<div data-expandable-container="expanded">
<button data-expandable-trigger>></button>
<p>Uncollapsed content here</p>
<div data-expandable-target>
<p>Hidden content here</p>
<div data-expandable-container="collapsed">
<button data-expandable-trigger>></button>
<p>Uncollapsed content here</p>
<div data-expandable-target>
<p>Hidden content here</p>
<div data-expandable-container="collapsed">
<button data-expandable-trigger>></button>
<p>Uncollapsed content here</p>
<div data-expandable-target>
<p>Hidden content here</p>
Custom Trigger Event
See '/demo/basic-usage.html' in repo for complete example
By default the trigger event for modals is a click event. However, you can use other events by updating the [data-expandable-trigger] attribute.
<div data-expandable-container="expanded">
<button data-expandable-trigger="mouseover">></button>
<p>Uncollapsed content here</p>
<div data-expandable-target>
<p>Hidden content here</p>
Custom Callback
See '/demo/basic-usage.html' in repo for complete example
The default event for triggering expandable expansion can be overwritten by adding [data-expandable-override] and [data-expandable-callback] attributes to the expandable trigger. If you a developer does this, they become responsible for toggling the expandable expansion exchange for being able to add custom behavior around the interaction.
<div data-expandable-container="collapsed" data-expandable-override=true data-expandable-callback="exampleCallback">
<button data-expandable-trigger>></button>
<p>Uncollapsed content here</p>
<div data-expandable-target>
<p>Hidden content here</p>
<script type="module">
// ES6 Module Import
import { Expandables, initExpandables } from './expandables-js/expandables.js';
// Initialize Plugin
// Custom callback where the developer has to trigger the expandable's visibility
window.exampleCallback = ( event ) => {
let expandableId = event.target.getAttribute( 'data-expandable-id' );
Expandables.getExpandable( expandableId ).toggle();
alert( 'Custom callback triggered on ' + expandableId + '; expanded = ' + Expandables.getExpandable( expandableId ).getSettings().expanded );
Public Methods
|Object|Method|Description| |---|---|---| |Expandables|.collapseAll()|Collapses all expandables outside of accordions| ||.expandAll()|Expands all expandables outside of accordions| ||.getExpandable( name )| Expected string to equal value of [data-expandable-target] attribute on expandable HTML element. Returns single HTML element for corresponding expandable. | ||.getExpandables()|Returns HTMLCollection of all expandables.| ||.destroyExpandables()|Destroys all Expandable instances but leaves HTML elements in place| ||.registerExpandable( HTMLelement )|Expected HTML element; Takes an HTML element representing the expandable. The attributes are read from the expandable element and used to build a expandable instance.| |Expandable|.toggle()|Toggles the value of the data attribute [data-expandable-container] between "collapsed" and "expanded"| ||.collapse()|Changes the value of the data attribute [data-expandable-container] to "collapsed"| ||.expand()|Changes the value of the data attribute [data-expandable-container] to "expanded"| ||.isExpanded()|Returns boolean of true or false representing whether the expandable is expanded or collapsed| |initExpandables()||Initializes expandables in the document by calling the Expandables.registerExpandable() HTML element.|
HTML Attribute
| HTML Element | Attribute | Description | |--------------|-----------|-------------| (Pending)