### Introduction "exf" provides a collection of helper modules that help defining Models and Controllers on Express framework.
"exf" provides a collection of helper modules that help defining Models and Controllers on Express framework.
"exf" consists of three types of modules, "generators", "controllers" and "modifiers".
In addition to these, "express" & "restfulize" provides collection of functional wrapper for basic Express modules.
"generators" generates Model or controller from specific name, base module that like Model(at controller) or db connection and schema definitions(at Model), and options.
Even without options, it generates module that has basic methods though, with options, you can extend or modify that.
options are defined with "extenders" or "modifiers".
"extenders" extends methods that are defined in generators. If you need some special process before/after the basic methods, you can use this.
"modifiers" extends methods that are defined in generators. If you need to modify the basic methods, you can use this.
Generator module List
||Model|Controller| |---|---|---| |generators|Generates Model from db connection definitions |Generates Controller from specific Model module| |extenders|Extends basic methods of generated Model|Extends basic methods of generated Controller| |modifiers|Modifies basic methods of generated Model|Modifies basic methods of generated Controller|
Controller Generator
To define the common controller generator may be good.
generators: {controller: generate}
extenders: {controller: {modify_query_before}}
modifiers: {controller: {query: {set_filter_from_query}}}
} = require \exf
module.exports = (name, {queries_to_filter}:options?)->
generate name, (require "../models/#name.ls"), options
|> if_ queries_to_filter?,
modify_query_before \index, set_filter_from_query queries_to_filter
A specific controller is defined by to call the common generator (simple controller)
generate = require \../services/app-controller-generator.ls
module.exports =
generate \product
A specific controller is defined by to calls the common generator (with extender)
generate = require \../services/app-model-generator.ls
{find} = module.exports =
generate \layout, schema
#extend basic method
|> before \update, (body, cb, next)->
#add the specific methods
|> merge (
get_states: get_states = (layout, cb)-->
get_fleet_units: get_fleet_units = (layout, cb)-->
Model Generator
To define the common model generator may be good.
generators: {"mongo-model": generate}
modifiers: {model: {body: {add_date}}}
extenders: {model: {modify_body_before}}
} = require \exf
{apply: apply_schema} = require \schemaf
host = env \MONGODB_HOST
port = env \MONGODB_PORT
db = env \MONGODB_DB
module.exports = (name, schema, options)->
generate name, host, port, db, options
|> modify_body_before \persist,
(add_date \created_date)
>> (add_date \updated_date)
>> (apply_schema schema)
|> modify_body_before \update,
(add_date \updated_date)
>> (apply_schema schema)
|> modify_body_before \delete,
(apply_schema schema)
A specific controller is defined by to calls the common generator.
generate = require \../services/app-model-generator.ls
module.exports =
generate \product, (
_id: mongo_object_id
name: string
created_date: date
updated_date: date
A specific controller is defined by to calls the common generator(with extender).
generate = require \../services/app-model-generator.ls
{find} = module.exports =
generate \layout, schema
|> before \update, (body, cb, next)->
|> merge (
get_states: get_states = (layout, cb)-->
get_fleet_units: get_fleet_units = (layout, cb)-->
express & restfulize
"express" provides functional style wrapper of Express modules. "restfulize" provides the interface of controller that follows REST architecture style.
{static: static_}:express = require \express
express: {
listen, set: _set, get: _get,
use, use_in, render, end
} = require \exf
configure =
act $$ [
listen port
_set \views, "#__dirname/../../views"
serve =
>> configure
>> ($$ map restfulize, controllers)
>> (lazy console~info, "Server is ready.")