WASM based web worker for converting excel data to raw json
Excel2json is a Rust and WebAssembly-based library that allows easily converting files in Excel format to JSON files.
How to build
cargo install wasm-pack
wasm-pack build
How to use via npm
- install the module
yarn add excel2json-wasm
- import and use the module
// worker.js
import {convert} "excel2json-wasm";
// convert int-array, works in sync mode
const json = convertArray(Int8Array, optional_config);
// converts file object or int-array in async mode
convert(file_object_or_typed_array, optional_config).then(json => {
// do something
How to use from CDN
CDN links are the following:
- https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/libs/excel2json/1.2/worker.js
- https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/libs/excel2json/1.2/module.js
- https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/libs/excel2json/1.2/excel2json_wasm_bg.wasm
You can import and use lib dynamically like
const convert = import("https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/libs/excel2json/1.2/module.js");
const blob = convert(json_data_to_export);
or use it as web worker
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([
], { type: "text/javascript" }));
// you need to server worker from the same domain as the main script
var worker = new Worker("./worker.js");
worker.addEventListener("message", ev => {
if (ev.data.type === "ready"){
const json = ev.data.data;
// do something
data: file_object
worker.addEventListener("message", e => {
if (e.data.init){
// worker is ready
if you want to load worker script from CDN and not from your domain it requires a more complicated approach, as you need to catch the moment when service inside of the worker will be fully initialized
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([
], { type: "text/javascript" }));
var worker = new Promise((res) => {
const x = Worker(url);
worker.addEventListener("message", ev => {
if (ev.data.type === "ready"){
const json = ev.data.data;
// do something with result
} else if (ev.data.type === "init"){
// service is ready
worker.then(x => x.postMessage({
data: file_object
Export formulas
const json = convert(data, { formulas:true });
type: "convert",
data: file_object_or_typed_array,
formulas: true
Output format
interface IConvertMessageData {
uid?: string;
data: Uint8Array | File;
sheet?: string;
styles?: boolean;
wasmPath?: string;
interface IReadyMessageData {
uid: string;
data: ISheetData[];
styles: IStyles[];
interface ISheetData {
name: string;
cols: IColumnData[];
rows: IRowData[];
cells: IDataCell[][]; // null for empty cell
merged: IMergedCell[];
interface IMergedCell {
from: IDataPoint;
to: IDataPoint;
interface IDataPoint {
column: number;
row: number;
interface IColumnData {
width: number;
interface IRowData {
height: number;
interface IDataCell{
v: string;
s: number:
interface IStyle {
fontSize?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
background?: string;
color?: string;
fontWeight?: string;
fontStyle?: string;
textDecoration?: string;
textAlign?: string;
verticalAlign?: string;
borderLeft?: string;
borderTop?: string;
borderBottom?: string;
borderRight?: string;
format?: string;