Simple and fast data set export to Excel xlsx file
A simple and fast node.js module for exporting data set to Excel xlsx file. Now completely asynchronous!
- Returns the path of the file (in the temp folder) instead of a buffer.
- Written in ES6. this helps to free RAM.
- Row can also be a Stream of Array (row).
Using excel-export
Setup configuration object before passing it into the execute method. cols is an array for column definition. Column definition should have caption and type properties while width property is not required. The unit for width property is character. beforeCellWrite callback is optional. beforeCellWrite is invoked with row, cell data and option object (eOpt detail later) parameters. The return value from beforeCellWrite is what will get written into the cell.
let callback = function (error, path) {
//whatever you want
let configuration = {
cols: columns, // Array that defines each columns
stylesXmlFile: "PathToStyleSheet", //Optional: appends styleSheet xml to Excel
rows: rows, // Data to be written
name: "Name of the Tab"
ExcelExport.execute(configuration, callback);
// Array of configurations for multiple pages
let configuration = [
ExcelExport.execute(configuration, callback);
Supported types
Supported valid types are;
- string
- date
- bool
- number
rows is the data to be exported. It is an Array of Array (row) or a Stream of Arrays (row). Each row should be the same length as cols.
Styling is optional. However, if you want to style your spreadsheet, a valid excel styles xml file is needed. An easy way to get a styles xml file is to unzip an existing xlsx file which has the desired styles and copy out the styles.xml file. Use stylesXmlFile property of configuartion object to specify the relative path and file name of the xml file. Google for "spreadsheetml style" to learn more detail on styling spreadsheet. eOpt in beforeCellWrite callback contains rowNum for current row number. eOpt.styleIndex should be a valid zero based index from cellXfs tag of the selected styles xml file. eOpt.cellType is default to the type value specified in column definition. However, in some scenario you might want to change it for different format.
Basic Example
Using Array of Arrays for Rows and Single Config Object
let columns = [{
caption: 'Title 1',
type: 'string'
width: 28.7109375
}, {
caption: 'Title 2',
type: 'date'
}, {
caption: 'bool',
type: 'bool'
let rows = [
['row 1 column 1', 'row 1 column 2'],
['row 2 column 1', 'row 2 column 2']
//since a single config is used, only one sheet will be generated
let conf = {
cols: columns,
stylesXmlFile: "PathToStyleSheet",
name: "Name of the Tab",
rows: rows
return nodeExcel.execute(conf, function(err, path) {
console.log("Path to excel file", path);
Advanced Example
Using Array of Mongoose Cursors for Rows and Array of Config Objects
app.get('/Excel/multisheet', (req, res) => {
//get cursor for inactive users
let _getDeactivatedUsersCursor = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let inactiveUsersQuery = {
active: false
//use mongoose to query user collection
let inactiveUsers = User
.cursor(); //get cursor
inactiveUsers.active = false;
//get cursor for active users
let _getActiveUsersCursor = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let activeUsersQuery = {
active: true
let activeUsers = User
.cursor(); //get cursor
activeUsers.active = true;
//columns for the report
let _getReportColumns = () => {
return [{
beforeCellWrite : (row, cellData, eOpt) => {
//Do something to transform row, cellData or cell style
styleIndex : 2, //Index from stylesXmlFile
caption : 'Deactivation Date',
type : 'date',
}, {
styleIndex: 2,
caption : 'Activation Date',
type : 'date'
}, {
styleIndex: 2,
caption : 'First Name',
type : 'string',
}, {
styleIndex: 2,
caption : 'Last Name',
type : 'string',
//get report stream
let _getReportStream = (cursor) => {
let userStream = new stream.Transform({objectMode: true});
//Implement _transform method
userStream._transform = (user, encoding, callback) => {
callback(null, [{
deactivationDate: user.deactivationDate,
activationDate : user.activationDate,
firstName : user.firstName,
lastName : user.lastName
//Pipe cursor to stream
return cursor.pipe(userStream);
]).then((usersCursor) => {
//array to hold config objects
let configs = [];
let config = {
name : 'No Users',
cols : _getReportColumns(),
rows : []
//create array of config objects
configs = usersCursor.map((cursor) => {
config.rows = _getReportStream(cursor);
if (cursor.active == true) {
config.name = "Active Users";
config.cols = _getReportColumns();
} else if (cursor.active == false) {
config.name = "Deactivated Users";
config.cols = _getReportColumns();
return config;
//since array of configs is passed in, resulting xlsx file will have multiple sheets (tabs)
return nodeExcel.execute(configs, (err, path) => {
}).catch((err) => {
//log error
console.log('Listening on port 3000');