Simple and easy to use eventemitter to manage your events synchronously and asynchronously too
Simple and easy to use eventemitter to manage your events synchronously and asynchronously too for Deno, node and for the browser with a typesafe environment!
For deno
import { EventEmitter } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Scientific-Guy/evtmanager/master/mod.ts";
For node and browser
> npm i evtmanager
Evtmanager is same as the basic events
package but with some additional utilities and typesafe environment!
import { EventEmitter } from "evtmanager";
interface EventMap{
ready: () => void;
start: () => void;
destory: (reason?: string) => void;
error: (reason?: string) => void;
const system = new EventEmitter<EventMap>();
system.on("ready", () => {
console.log('System is ready!');
Now here is an example of a typesafe environment
system.on("ready", () => {
console.log('System is ready!');
}); // Will compile
system.on("ready", (ctx) => {
console.log('System is ready!');
}); // Will not compile as it has a parameter ctx additional which is not supplied in the event map!
Here are some methods which you already might know!
const listener = () => console.log("System is ready");
system.addListener("ready", listener); // Adds an listener
system.on("ready", () => console.log("System is ready")); // Same as addListener method
system.once("ready", () => console.log("System is ready")); // Adds an listener which listens only one event
system.removeListener("ready", listener); // Removes a listener
system.removeListeners("ready"); // Removes all listeners registered on event "ready"
system.clear(); // Clears all event listeners
const listeners = system.getListeners("ready"); // Returns an array of listeners listening to the event
const count = system.listenerCount("ready"); // Returns number of listeners listening to the "ready" event
const responses = await system.emit("ready"); // Dispatches a event and runs all the listeners one by one awaiting it
const syncResponses = system.emitSync("ready"); // Dispatches a event and does not waits for listeners to return a value
system.maxListeners.set("ready", 5); // Set maximum listeners to 5 so only about 5 listeners can listen to the event!
system.maxListeners.delete("ready"); // Remove the limit
system.maxListeners.get("ready"); // Get limit
Awaiting responses
Waiting events means it waits for the emitter for the event to be emitted and returns the args received!
const response = await system.wait("destroy");
console.log(`System finally destoryed with the reason as: ${response}`);
This is used for the once method. You can even set a timeout for it!
const response = await system.wait("destroy", 2000);
console.log(`System finally destoryed with the reason as: ${response}`);
} catch {
console.log(`Could not catch the event within 2 seconds!`);
You can iterate asynchronously over an event like this
This method is made as for some utility!
for await (const [reason] of system.iterator("error")) {
console.log(`Found an error: ${reason}`);
MonoEmitter is nothing but the same eventemitter but does not needs any event name to register! For example, view the code block given below:
import { MonoEmitter } from "evtmanager";
const system = new MonoEmitter();
system.on(() => {
console.log('System is ready!');
It has almost the same methods
const listener = () => console.log("I am emitted");
event.addListener(listener); // Adds an listener
event.on(() => console.log("I am emitted")); // Same as addListener method
event.once(() => console.log("I am emitted")); // Adds an listener which listens only one event
event.removeListener(listener); // Removes a listener
event.clear(); // Clears all event listeners
event.listeners; // Returns an array of listeners listening to the event
event.listenerCount; // Returns number of listeners listening to the "ready" event
const responses = await event.emit(); // Dispatches a event and runs all the listeners one by one awaiting it
const syncResponses = event.emitSync(); // Dispatches a event and does not waits for listeners to return a value
event.maxListenersCount = 5; // Set maximum listeners to 5 so only about 5 listeners can listen to the event!
delete event.maxListenersCount; // Remove the limit
And you can use the same utility methods to the MonoEmitter
const args = await event.wait(2000);
} catch {
console.log(`Could not catch the event within 2 seconds!`);
for await (const args of event.iterator("error")) {
console.log(`Caught a new event: `, args);