Everycss cli (with its processors)
#EveryCSS cli
CSS processor made on top of EveryCSS
It includes the EveryCSS's processors:
- everycss-charset: help dealing with @charset rule
- everycss-import: add support for @import and @import-once
- everycss-nested: add support for nested rules
- everycss-rem: add pixel fallback for rem values
- everycss-variable: add (non standard) variable support
$ npm install -g everycss-cli
##How to
Process and compile input.css to output.css:
$ everycss input.css output.css
You could also process and compile a directory:
$ everycss input output
###everycss watch
Process and compile files every time a modification occured.
Process and compile input.css to output.css:
$ everycss watch input.css output.css
You could also process and compile a directory:
$ everycss watch input output
You could choose the output style of the processed css:
$ everycss input.css output.css --style="compressed"
There are three styles:
rule1 {
background: white;
color: black;
rule2 {
background: black;
color: white;
rule1 {background:white;color:black}
rule2 {background:black;color:white}
rule1 {background:white;color:black}rule2 {background:black;color:white}
Limit processing by file extensions:
$ everycss watch input output --types="css,ecss"
By default, --types
is set to css,ecss
. This option is only used when processing and/or watching by directory.